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Wayfarers of Veeshan • View topic - Reminiscing

Wayfarers of Veeshan

An Everquest Guild on Luclin
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 Post subject: Reminiscing
PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 5:45 pm 
Epic 1.0 Coordinator
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Joined: Wed May 24, 2006 7:11 am
Posts: 750
Location: In the kitchen. Probably doing dishes.
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Hi all
Just stopped by the boards as i was thinking about the good times i've had in my past. Many years were spent with you all and even though we've never met in real life I still think of you. Especially Haams in his Orange Crush attire :)

Hope all is well with everyone who still stops by. I certainly miss the good old days!

Take care!

 Post subject: Re: Reminiscing
PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2020 9:27 am 
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Joined: Wed Jun 19, 2002 7:53 pm
Posts: 4389
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Hi Pipe. Hope everything is well with you.

I still check this every once in a while to see if anyone is still around.


Grandmaster all trade skills (300)

 Post subject: Re: Reminiscing
PostPosted: Mon May 25, 2020 9:15 am 
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Joined: Fri Jun 21, 2002 9:00 am
Posts: 888
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Yeah, those were good days.
I'm glad that I'm able to preserve some of it here and it'll be around as long as the forum software keeps running

Have a great Memorial Day and remain healthy.

 Post subject: Re: Reminiscing
PostPosted: Mon May 25, 2020 9:18 am 
Former Guild Leader / Elder
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Good days indeed.

I hope everybody's well.

 Post subject: Re: Reminiscing
PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 1:59 am 
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Joined: Thu Jun 27, 2002 5:59 am
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Hard to imagine now that I spent 9 years in EQ, and that is has been even that many more years since I last played the game seriously. Great times and great friends made during my EQ days for sure. I sometimes miss it but then I'll log into the game for a few minutes and the nostalgia quickly fades to the reality that I played the game for the friends and they aren't there anymore. I'm currently playing WoW Classic on Pagle server. Although it isn't the same as my early EQ days it is very close. I've made some friends I group with almost every night, and we chat in discord. We raid together and group to do fun things as well. Hope you all are doing well and if you get the itch to play an MMORPG again come look me up.


If nothing seems to be going your way, choose another direction.

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