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Wayfarers of Veeshan • View topic - Servers down or is it just me?

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 5:39 pm 
Sky Captain / Officer
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Earlier tonight, I had a problem that when I launched the Station Launcher, it said "Scanning" and then "Updating", but then failed and brings up a window saying

http://eq.patch.station.sony.com/patch/ ... _8433_4.gz failed to download. Please try again. If the problem persists use the Help menu above for more info and help.

Station launcher will try again after 30 seconds."

I have no clue what this means, and haven't changed anything that I know of since last running EQ (when it worked just fine).

I logged on to a chat session, and received the usual first-cut advice of setting it to run in XP service pack 2, and run as administrator. I've done that. *NOW* that has caused a new problem...I can't even log in. All I get is "Processing"...and I wait...and then "Error. Disconnected from server."

Waiting on a new chat session.

Once again, I say that this is why god invented Xbox. A computer whose only job is to NEVER BE UPDATED, NEVER CONNECT TO THE INTERNET and ONLY PLAY GAMES.

I hate Sony.

Of course...now I see that on "Update Notes" that "all servers are down" -- Anyone else having trouble getting in game?

Drexxell , 71st GNecrOMancEr -- Wielder of ()
Druul , 60th Troll Shaman () + Wielder of and
Driss, 51st Dwarf Priestess of Brell Serilis
Dralia, 36th Erudite Enchantress


PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 5:48 pm 
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I've been in game since this morning but I have had the patcher crash on me before.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 5:49 pm 
Sky Captain / Officer
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Darn..but thanks Mal, good to know. My wait time on tech support chat
is "0 minutes 2 seconds" and has been so for about 15 minutes now...

Drexxell , 71st GNecrOMancEr -- Wielder of ()
Druul , 60th Troll Shaman () + Wielder of and
Driss, 51st Dwarf Priestess of Brell Serilis
Dralia, 36th Erudite Enchantress


PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 6:18 pm 
Sky Captain / Officer
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Love that chat support....

"You have a message with DX in it so you MUST need to download DirectX9.0c"

Really? Did you READ the error message, Mr. Dumass?

It says that it can't DOWNLOAD a patch file...doesn't that mean a CONNECTION problem? I mean...considering that the "Update Notes" say "All servers are down"?

"Um, that is a possibility"

"Ya think? So...how's come I have friend in game if all servers are down?"

"It isn't affecting everyone"

<slapping my forehead>

And so....is there a refund policy for the trouble being on your end, and I'm paying for a game that you aren't fixing for me to play?


And with that, thank the gods, my problem miraculously fixed itself. No clue how or why.

Fun times.

Drexxell , 71st GNecrOMancEr -- Wielder of ()
Druul , 60th Troll Shaman () + Wielder of and
Driss, 51st Dwarf Priestess of Brell Serilis
Dralia, 36th Erudite Enchantress


PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 8:01 pm 
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/comfort Drex.

There, there. /pat

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