Wayfarers of Veeshan

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 Post subject: Have I returned Home?
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2003 8:48 am 
Wayfarer of Veeshan

Joined: Wed Jun 19, 2002 1:43 pm
Posts: 772
Location: Ohio, USA
(written by Franklyn as dictated by Bralia Skyfighter)

My name is Bralia Skyfighter. I am a warrior from the bitter cold and deceptively beautiful lands of Halas. I have come to a place that reminds me so much of my home, when I set eyes upon it my tears of joy began to freeze on my cheeks as they fell.

It has been many years since I've returned to my beloved homeland, but this land called the Great Divide brings back sweet memories.

To my great surprise, as I familiarized myself with the surroundings in this wondrous place, I found it not only has hills but a beautiful river. I found wondrous creatures like the Shardwurm, the Tizmak clan with their warriors, shaman and champions, and fierce giants. I found myself becoming attached to the little ones in the city and began to listen to their stories of the creatures of the realm.

And so it was that I set out to find the Tizmak and see if the stories I've heard of their brutality and hatred of all races were true. When I reached the cave I was set upon by several of the clan ... brutal fighters, they were determined to tear me limb from limb. My battle cry must have roared and echoed through the cold like a beacon ... because when I thought all was lost the Wayfarers were there to help vanquish these terrible foes.

It was Fluffee, Minardil, Franklyn, Nealyn ... Durezil, Thunderfox, Cintarra ... Hamms, Shingoku, Palan, Hitsm, Bewary .... and I'm sure there were more who's names I should long remember, but so many came to my aid that day I was overwhelmed with humility and gratitude.

Only one creature was strong enough to scatter this wonderous group of clan brothers and sisters, fighting together like one. That creature is the mighty Shardtooth. So strong, so fierce and so powerful ... he would have snuffed out the lives of each and every one of us with as little effort as blowing out a candle. We ran from him, thus to live to fight another day.

Despite the presence of Shardtooth, the Wayfarers fought on ... bringing glory to our clan and getting to know one another better.

I would be proud to hunt with the necromancer, cleric, druid, enchanter, wizard, monk, bard ... these are vocations about which I did not know much ... and am only now beginning to understand. Of the shaman, I am well familiar. The proud, wise and helpful teachings of the shaman are repeated oft in the lands of Halas and I have traveled great distances in the company of my childhood friend, Franklyn.

Speaking of which, my dear Franklyn is growing weary of writing this tale for me. I can see his wish for sleep, and they way we have been hunting of late he will need all the sleep he can get.

I am sure this group of Wayfarers will fight again and bring honor to our clan. Till then, safe hunting and glorius battles to all who read this tale.

Bralia Skyfighter
Warrior of Halas

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