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Wayfarers of Veeshan • View topic - Vista

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 Post subject: Vista
PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 9:36 pm 
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Anyone know how to roll back Directx 10 to 9.0c? I would like to avoid calling customer service if possible. EQ won't work on my new laptop because of it. EQ2 has no such problems though. Anyway apparently there's a fix and I know a few folks out there are using Vista so any help would be appreciated.


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 7:16 am 
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Hmm did bit more research updated directx 10 on laptop. Still no joy although now it doesn't say it is missing DirectX 9.0c but it's giving me a memory error. I'm doing a fresh install of EQ on laptop to see if that may fix the problem.

Have I mentioned I HATE Vista so far?


If nothing seems to be going your way, choose another direction.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 6:44 am 
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good luck and have someone hide all blunt items

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 7:06 am 

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Have you tried rightclicking on EQ and running it in Compatibility Mode? Just set it to Windows XP SP2 and it should work.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 4:22 pm 
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If nothing seems to be going your way, choose another direction.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 4:34 pm 

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 5:12 pm 
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 6:32 pm 

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let me repeat that


WHY would you log in as adminstrator (as I'm sure you are, removing a level of security) and then turn off the next level of security?

That is HIGHLY unrecommended. If you don't like Vista, go to XP. There are "ways" to get there.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 4:58 am 
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i have mine turned on but i think hubby set it so certain things it wouldnt ask.. like word and excel and stuff (which it was asking aboiut when we first got vista) it takes some getting used to but isnt too bad

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President of the Allegretta Fan Club

 Post subject: Re: Vista
PostPosted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 2:42 pm 
Wayfarer of Veeshan

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Well, I'm gonna take the plunge into 64-bit Vista land with 8GB of RAM soon. Trying to 3-box is pushing the 32-bit 4GB limit a bit too far..it sorta works if I turn down the graphics options but that bums me out (eq already looks bad enough with everything turned UP...can't stand to regress even further LOL). I'm hoping that in the year that's passed since people were struggling with eq + Vista, most issues have been ironed out. I'll let you know how it turns out (due to some other reasons I need to re-install the OS anyway, figured this was a good opportunity to move up to 64-bit).

I'm also thinking about playing around with running at least a single instance of eq through WINE on my linux box...I've been reading that there are some "interesting" issues involved there as well so I guess I'll circle back to that as a curiosity/hobby kind of thing once I get Vista straightened out on my main workstation.

Wish me luck!

 Post subject: Re: Vista
PostPosted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 2:56 pm 
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Good luck! Let us know how it turns out.

I'm getting a new computer at work this year, but we're sticking with XP.

 Post subject: Re: Vista
PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 12:48 pm 
Wayfarer of Veeshan

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Good luck on that. I had installed Vista 64-bit on one of my machines, but after 2 weeks the problems were just too much to bear, so I wiped everything and re-installed Vista 32. That at least seems stable and reliable. I much prefer XP though.

 Post subject: Re: Vista
PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 3:09 pm 
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I have Vista Home Premium on my laptop and regularly run 3 and 4 instances of EQ without any problem. The only thing I may be doing differently from you is using a program called WinEQ2 which handles multiple EQ instances. (It's not against the EULA) I'd suggest giving that a try and seeing if it helps at all. Even if I only run 1 instance of EQ, I still use WinEQ2.

As for UAC, sorry Tan I respectfully disagree. That's one of the most pointless functions in Vista and absolutely the first thing I turn off on any Vista installs I deal with or support. After dozens of "Are you sure?" messages, most people go into automatic yes mode and the security is moot. Not to mention, that if you're inexperienced enough to need to be asked if you're sure about running a program - generally, you aren't as likely to know what a malicious program is in the first place.

"David Cross, a product unit manager at Microsoft, stated during the RSA Conference 2008 that UAC was in fact designed to 'annoy users'"

I like my OS to be annoyance free.

Disclaimer: Use XP if you have any choice at all.


 Post subject: Re: Vista
PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 9:04 pm 

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yeah ... the date on that post is August 2007 ... 1 year 4 months ago.
Maybe Windows 7 will have the kinks worked out of Vista, maybe.

 Post subject: Re: Vista
PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:10 pm 
Wayfarer of Veeshan

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