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Wayfarers of Veeshan • View topic - Best 2-class party combos?

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:10 pm 

Joined: Wed Feb 21, 2007 12:12 pm
Posts: 118
Heres Ur-Floxiz Lochmaul
Damage by Total % of Tot Time DPS Scaled Hits Max hit Avg hit Dmg to PC NPC DPS
Good Necro + pets 277082 3.14% 122 2271 2008 181 3991 1530 2270 2270
Decent Necro + pets 218497 2.47% 121 1806 1583 174 3939 1255 0 0
Druid + pets~~~~~~~214897 2.43% 124 1733 1557 71 14258 3026 0 0
ShittyNecro + pets 137420 1.56% 122 1126 996 142 3593 967 0 0

Razox (Me =P)~~ 170904 1.93% 128 1335 1238 631 2353 270 188680 1474

5 Chillvapor Breath Rk. III
8 Fists of Wu, Storm Strike
10 Gelid Frost Rk. II
14 Glitterfrost
15 Cry Havoc
18 Season's Fury
21 Equinox Brand Rk. II
27 Nature's Burning Wrath Rk. II
32 Sunsear Rk. II
36 Nature's Guardian
37 Equinox Brand Rk. II
43 Equinox Brand Rk. II
48 Storm Strike
50 Equinox Brand Rk. II
56 Nature's Burning Wrath Rk. II
60 Glyph of Destruction
61 Equinox Brand Rk. II
68 Equinox Brand Rk. II
75 Sunsear Rk. II
76 Interrupt, Sunsear Rk. II
79 Storm Strike
81 Nature's Burning Wrath Rk. II
87 Equinox Brand Rk. II
93 Equinox Brand Rk. II, Cry Havoc
99 Equinox Brand Rk. II
106 Nature's Burning Wrath Rk. II
110 Storm Strike
111 Equinox Brand Rk. II
118 Sunsear Rk. II
123 Equinox Brand Rk. II
131 Ancient: Chlorobon

CLEARLY. necros are 2x or better ahead of him.......On short 30 second fights i dont doubt it, but if you consider necros good DPS, so should Druids. I see 2 fire DoT's and a fire nuke over and over. and 2 AA. and after several debuffs.

Necros and Magicians and Wizards are and should average being ahead. but if you dont stand around twidling your thumbs. Druids can be good.

(I edited it like 3 times, i dont care if i repeated stuff 4 times, im tired and going to bed haha)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:43 am 
Wayfarer of Veeshan

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You try to use a raid parse, with 2 casts of Cry Havoc and a Glyph of Destruction as proof?

Plus, comparing against pure dot casting classes that will likely not be picked up on the parse all the time due to range issues from the parser if they are moving, and knowing that pet procs by the necro pets arent picked up by others parsing, only your own? I mean, I will give your necros the benefit of the doubt here, otherwise they severely lack - if they have identical conditions as the druid, they should be close to 4k dps, definitely at least 3.5k. And what of your wizards? Again, with 2 cry havocs and if they expended a Glyph too, they should be 4-5k dps. The druid was less than half that.

Don't mislead people here with half information. Using a raid parse has alot of variables, not just the ones listed above but also questions like who had bards, enchanters in their group? That can skew things greatly too. This is the same kind of rumor- and fear-mongering that goes on the Sony boards, with half-truths and invalid comparisons.

It's easy to throw out random comparisons that have no meaning. I did 3K DPS in a pickup Fabled Hydrotha raid, with no Cry of Havoc, no Glyph used, no 7th vet used, no bard, no shammy, no enchanter, and the MT wouldnt allow my water pet into backstab position because he wanted to side pin the mob. Thats almost double what your druid there did, with 2 Cry's and a Glyph. So again, I could provide a similarly misleading comparison that druid DPS is less than half that of a mage.

WoV members, take note, I love my druid. The class is incredibly flexible - a jack of all trades, but a master of none. Its awesome when you can quickly switch from DPS mode to healing and save the day. They can buff, debuff, crowd control, DPS, heal, solo, group, you name it. Just don't be misled into thinking a druid will be a top-tier DPS class, because they sacrifice that in order to have the wide variety of abilities. Likewise, they will never out-heal a comparable cleric, but they can do some incredible healing feats when played well anyways. Alley, Fenhoff and Gealaen are all examples of great druids who can do some amazing things with the class, so if you want to play a druid, please do so and love it. DPS is not always the end-all goal of this game.

Accurate comparisons require identical situations, and parsing by each individual box. Only then can you get apples to apples comparison. No quite sure why you would expect your whining to be accepted here, take it to the sony forums, you will find that more your style.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 4:17 am 
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People, people...remember the source of this question...just looking for opinions, not DARPA-essays :)

I happen to find Talinoth's Druid to be a source of DPS because he (get this) TANKS. For the sake
of roleplaying, he decided to max his armor and melee skills, and turns out that he can stand toe to
toe with a lot of mobs that would normally put a bunch of casters on the run.

So, this was just an opinion poll....and I appreciate all the opinions. I'll talk it over with Tali and
see what he wants to play that'll be FUN :)


Drexxell , 71st GNecrOMancEr -- Wielder of ()
Druul , 60th Troll Shaman () + Wielder of and
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 6:24 am 
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Gealaen1 used to "tank" when farming tradeskill components and DoN-style quest drops, and could survive reasonably well against light blue and some dark blue mobs with self healing alone. Druids can "tank" ... but not against all types of mobs. Much <3 for the druid Spur style of quick powerful DS! Stack on all the longer duration DS you can, pull mob, debuff, target self, Spur, heal, rinse, repeat. Depending how much the mob hurts you, you can switch targets to pop in a nuke or DoT or two.

(Incidentally, this is one type of combat in which EQII is vastly superior to EQI. You don't necessarily have to target yourself to heal when tanking -- EQII automatically heals the player who is being damaged by the targeted mob, or automatically damages the mob who is targeted by the person you have targeted for healing! I totally love implied targeting!)

Fight with honor and triumph!

Gealaen Gaiamancer (EQ2 Warden & Tailor)
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 6:53 am 
Wayfarer of Veeshan

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I'd want two Adegas, but the egos would be so big there wouldn't be room for anyone else in the group.

I'd vote for the combo Kahmon mentioned, sk/shaman. Sk gives you the ability to snare and pull while the shaman gives you buffs, healing, and slow. Dorann, stop reading here. You could maybe swap the sk for a paladin for hp buffs, stuns, healing. You would have to use root for crowd control.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 5:54 am 
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PAL/SHM is a pretty effective combo, albeit one with low DPS. That team will be able to kill many things, but not particularly quickly! (I knew a guy in EQ1 ages ago who two-boxed that setup.) Add in pretty much any DPS class, and that strong duo becomes a very effective trio.

I wondered how long it would take before the GM of multiboxing chimed in on this thread! Hi, Adega! :)

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Tyraen Thornheart (EQ2 Ranger & Woodworker)
Ardra (EQ2 Wizard & Jeweler)
Sanwych Shortorder (EQ2 Ranger & Provisioner)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:43 am 
Wayfarer of Veeshan

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Hey G.

Two key questions need to be answered before you can decide on a duo:
1) How much time do you have to play?
2) What is your goal?

1) Tanks by the nature of their job are very dependent on gear, where casters are less restricted. If you don't have a lot of time, I would suggest staying away from tanks. Also, it can take a while to find the buffs you need. So if you have an hour a day, kiters might be your best route. Pop a sow potion and a clarity potion and you're good to go. No running back to the guild lobby for buffs.

2) Want to get to 80 as fast as possible? Kiters seem to be great at this because they can solo (or duo in this case) yellows and reds faster than a tank/healer could kill them. Want to take down named? Warrior (defensive) and cleric, can buy a weapon that procs slow.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 2:17 pm 
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Last edited by Orionpax on Wed Aug 27, 2008 2:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 2:36 pm 
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 2:58 pm 
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:59 am 
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Aegad Bottlebreaker (EQ2 Conjuror & Alchemist)
Tyraen Thornheart (EQ2 Ranger & Woodworker)
Ardra (EQ2 Wizard & Jeweler)
Sanwych Shortorder (EQ2 Ranger & Provisioner)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:26 am 
Wayfarer of Veeshan

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I can testify to this. I can't begin to number the times I have seen what I THOUGHT was a bad pull by adega, and I whip out my handy dandy Companion of Necessity AA... only to see the mob fly back and get locked down by root. Adega sure has that skill mastered.

Now I am pondering though, have I heard Raegun say after a pull, "Hey, where did all those mobs come from?" as often as I have heard bad puns from Dorann. Hrm, it's close.


Actually, now that I think about it some more... Raegun seems to say that right after Dorann makes a bad pun. Coincidence? Hrm, maybe not.... :P

PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:16 am 
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:27 pm 

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On the upper end, I would vote Mage/Shaman. Mage pets have received an unreal boost as of SoF and combined with the Shamans Slow/Heal/*pet* and the Mage Nukes/Pet/Pet Heals, they would prove deadly and fun.

In addition, they both have some form of self mana regen that will help on down time. CC would be the only major issue, but as with ANY style of play, you just have to choose your battles. :grin:


PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 12:46 pm 

Joined: Mon Jun 04, 2007 7:38 pm
Posts: 349
my personal choice for favorite duo is monk shammy admittedly becuase they are my favorite 2 classes but honestly there is much potential there

movement: 2.5/5 bih'li run 8 as far as running goes they can get around
healing: 3.5/5 some people maybe suprised by me ranking them this high here but with mend monk epic 2.0 delay death monks can do some serious self healing add shammy hots heals onto that and its pretty good healing
melee: 3/5 for a monk to tank anything serious he is gonna use his discs but i have personally tanked a squire for 30seconds after tank then rogue both went down(long enough for group to finish him off)
DPS: 3-4/5 monks swing as often if not more often then any other class add shammy haste and cougar line with monk ingenuity and weapons affinity and the combos DPS goes way up
almost forgot CC: 3.5/5 monks are among the best single pullers/splitters and always have been now add monk mez/memblur and we can CC with just about anyone

i came i saw i pulled
R*I*P* Chakshiax

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