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Wayfarers of Veeshan • View topic - Another Anguish Signet Farming Frenzy

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:04 pm 
Wayfarer of Veeshan
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Sunday, 10/28/2007 2pm EST

Who: All
What: More signets for anguish
Where: various zones

I would like to get another gathering for signet farming for anguish. anyone who needs their signets are encouraged to come. Please let me know who needs which one and from what zone so we can hit up as many zones as we can to get the most signets for all

3 Necros walk into a bar.....nothing comes out

Heligast Dragonkin 77 Necromancer
Magnamund Summersword 56 Enchanter
Illuvian 26 Ranger

Last edited by Heligast on Fri Oct 26, 2007 9:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:07 pm 
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That's the exact same time I scheduled my TBD November event for.

Master Artisan Kahmon Feelthenoize
- Fabled 100 Shadow Knight of Cestus Dei Atherius
- Master(300) Jeweler, Chef, Potter, Brewer, Blacksmith, Tailor, Fletcher, Researcher
Vektor - 95 Ranger, Scout Extraordinaire
Kahzbot - 97 Enchanter, Master Spell Researcher & Tinkerer
Kroger - 98 Rogue, Poison Maker, Tome Researcher, and Illusion Collector
Shazbon - 96 Shaman, Master Alchemist
Vendding - 94 Magician

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:29 pm 
Wayfarer of Veeshan
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sorry....i thought i looked at all events....guess i missed one. The date has been changed

3 Necros walk into a bar.....nothing comes out

Heligast Dragonkin 77 Necromancer
Magnamund Summersword 56 Enchanter
Illuvian 26 Ranger

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:05 pm 
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And now it's up against AR DoN raids.

Master Artisan Kahmon Feelthenoize
- Fabled 100 Shadow Knight of Cestus Dei Atherius
- Master(300) Jeweler, Chef, Potter, Brewer, Blacksmith, Tailor, Fletcher, Researcher
Vektor - 95 Ranger, Scout Extraordinaire
Kahzbot - 97 Enchanter, Master Spell Researcher & Tinkerer
Kroger - 98 Rogue, Poison Maker, Tome Researcher, and Illusion Collector
Shazbon - 96 Shaman, Master Alchemist
Vendding - 94 Magician

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:28 pm 
Wayfarer of Veeshan
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3 Necros walk into a bar.....nothing comes out

Heligast Dragonkin 77 Necromancer
Magnamund Summersword 56 Enchanter
Illuvian 26 Ranger

Last edited by Heligast on Fri Oct 26, 2007 1:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 7:36 am 

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I can tell there's some frustration here, so I'm going to explain a few things.

Not all of the AR events make it to our calendar. We have the regularly scheduled AR events on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
Then we have events made by our friends, who come and post asking for us to participate, which end up on our calendar.
Occasionally, there will be posts on the AR boards attempting to organize an event, but not an "AR" event, just a small outting or something, like a DoN event.

Personally, the latter of the 3 types of events does not take priority over one of our guild member events.

Heli, we know you're wanting to get back into raiding, but dont just cancel events that a good number of people may still need out of frustration.
This can still work and should remain on the 28th.

my :twocents:

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 1:18 pm 
Wayfarer of Veeshan
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3 Necros walk into a bar.....nothing comes out

Heligast Dragonkin 77 Necromancer
Magnamund Summersword 56 Enchanter
Illuvian 26 Ranger

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 1:25 pm 
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is the information we had when we started doing signets. It should help.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 9:17 pm 
Wayfarer of Veeshan
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im done farming these dang things....they are just causing too much dang stress and is not worth my time to get them if all i am gonna do is get the short end ofthe stick....its too frustrating getting into a group, running there and halfway there the dang group decides to call it and i get screwed before i even get there...enoughs enough....im not gonna go through all that stress just trying to get into anguish....not worth it

3 Necros walk into a bar.....nothing comes out

Heligast Dragonkin 77 Necromancer
Magnamund Summersword 56 Enchanter
Illuvian 26 Ranger

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 6:55 am 
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I hope this helps....Heli I feel your flustration, but all of us at one time or the other have felt it :) ....I too have to /cough have help...alot and have to work around other's schedules....and since I am asking to cut in on Their playing time I accept this....I have a lot of unfinished stuff...and thats OK.....Having fun is first, accomplishments are awesone...but if this is stressing you out you shouldn't let it. Good things come when you least expect it...hang in there and getting to Aunguish is worth the many many attemps/failures and hours of playing and no sigs dropping.


Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breaths away.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:19 am 
Wayfarer of Veeshan
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the problem isnt the fact that the sigs dont drop. It just the fact that no one wants to seem to get a group together to actually farm the darn things. Granted I woulnt want to be doing it if I did it 10 million times either, but even putting aside the hate of doing it to help others would be nice. If I was to actually get a group to go there, and the sig didnt drop, I would be cool with that, but again, getting the group seems impossible 99% of the time

3 Necros walk into a bar.....nothing comes out

Heligast Dragonkin 77 Necromancer
Magnamund Summersword 56 Enchanter
Illuvian 26 Ranger

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 8:17 am 

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We are currently working on several different expansions:

Farming Anguish
this requires level 70 and getting all the signets by grouping

Getting into Tacvi
this requires 65 and being flagged (raids)

Depths of Darkhollow
We're doing the Blood Raids, but you'll need Dreadspire access to get into Demiplane (which is 4 group missions)

At present we're just farming the dragons, but we will all eventually need to get the groupable missions done to progress.

SO... there's LOTs to work on, and most of it groupable, for where we're intending to be raiding in the future.

 Post subject: Humm
PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 8:27 am 
Wayfarer of Veeshan

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Ok....Heres the problum some of the zones like Catacombs is a VERY hard camp for some to hold (meaning keep cleared) there are alot of adds, so need a good tank, or/mezer ....Me,Uniquia, and Evirting learend this the hard way, as we where trying to hold a camp for a few guildys so all Uni had to do was COH them to camp....well we died trying to do this. ;( but thats not the problum. A cuplle of Guildys where not able to get there sigs. and as hard as we where trying to hold a camp that took us 3 days just to get to. to give up for the night after ALOT of deaths sucked...but had to. And hoped that we could still help these others get sigs that a gimp bst(me:) could tank....so we headed to Rocd and got Chakshiax sig there instead of Cata....so all was well "I guess" for that night.....we will have ta get the Pink tank and Haams ta help out again for that rough cata one for others..(BTW Thanks Haams and Dorann for the Uber help on such a hard camp)......so my point for the day...is.... Ya win some and ya lose some...this is why I like to agree its a game.... :)
I will always do my best ta help, as it can only make guild stronger to get us ALL in anguish....althou its GREAT to go on AR raids to Anguish(ty AR :) wouldnt it rock to hold a WOV raid to anguish someday :)............Think about it...and dont give up...or you will be killing Orcs at lvl naked still :)
GL all and Hay /SMACKS Wind :)

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 10:23 am 
Wayfarer of Veeshan
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Hit level 70 first. Worry about sigs later.

This is going to hit a hard spot ! But the constant badgering is not helping. Please be more considerate of others time and what they want to also accomplish in this game. Mean tells and guild chat is not the way to go about getting help from others.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 10:30 am 
Wayfarer of Veeshan
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Heli i know some of your frustration...but some of it you have to shoulder you have logged on ask for a group dont get one in 5 minutes log off or go afk...when i got my signets we work on it for around 8 months and i still was not done when the first ar raid to anguish...we camp the mobs alot.. we did died and on a couple times we got no drops.. we spent 3-4 hours and not one signet dropped...try to schedule get others who need try to help those who want to help you but just dont set around and complain.. they do want you in anguish...we have a very good group of officers but they like to play the also ..they do help others a lot i know they have changed plans more then once to help someone...but like you sometimes in a group or middle of a quest and just cant drop everything and run to help someone...hang in there

Ranger of Luclin

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