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Wayfarers of Veeshan • View topic - Sky -- RESCHEDULED!!!! 8/13/07

Wayfarers of Veeshan

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 11:24 am 
Epic 1.0 Coordinator
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Location: In the kitchen. Probably doing dishes.
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CHANNEL: /join wovsky
WHO: Any 50+
WHEN: Monday, August 13th. Meet in Guild Hall at 6:30PM Eastern, 3:30PM Pacific. Last ports up to Sky are no later than 7:00PM EST.
WHY: For fun, and for epic 1.0 drops.
MEET AT: Guild hall
REQUIREMENTS: Please read Drex's site to understand how Sky works... more importantly, the keys & the boss mobs. The more you prepare, the less downtime :)


Time to hit Sky for some 1.0 drops. In specific, the warrior drop from the Spiroc Lord and the necromancer drop from the Keeper of Souls. Also needed: Spiroc Feathers from Island 2

Notes about these mobs:

The Spiroc Lord (Island 5) can be spawned multiple times as long as the Spiroc Guardian is kept alive.

The Keeper of Souls (Island 4) will spawn anywhere from 60 to 80 minutes after we kill one of the unnamed mobs from Island 4.

Both mobs death touch every 45 seconds!!!

Plan of Attack:

We will port up and buff once we arrive (since the port up to Sky strips all buffs). We will clear islands 1 through 4, getting keys for those who need them. Since the Keeper of Souls is the key mob for Island 4, we will have to wait for the Keeper to spawn. Once it is dead, we will loot the necessary keys and finish the raid on Island 5, where we will take care of the Spiroc Lord.

Again, please prepare and read up on Sky. Since it is on a weeknight, we need as little downtime as possible so we can get as many drops as possible. Since we will be on Island 4 for at least 60-80 minutes, expect this raid to last from 2 to 3 hours. Please drop a line letting us know if you can make it or not, especially Alley/Cin and Darc/Rhenn!!!! Thanks!

Last edited by Pipe on Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:39 am, edited 4 times in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:10 pm 
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Far as I know right now, I'll be able to attend. Cin is happy to port if you need her.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 1:30 pm 
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I had an idea to try while we were there. Depending on how many people attend, I think we could take a few 70+ players who are already keyed for island 4 to run ahead and start the cycle for the Keeper of Souls to spawn. The unnamed mobs split, but with a few higher level people (including a healer, just incase) they shouldn't be a problem. We could try that once we start clearing island 3.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 3:29 pm 
Wayfarer of Veeshan
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Both Vad and Meag have keys. All but the last island I think. My Wiz is also of a level to port to Sky if she is needed.

Vad has a Warrior epic piece off the Spiroc Lord just sitting in her bank. Not sure if she would need any faction to MQ it.? (A friend and I hit Sky once getting his Epic done and I got one to share.)

I should be on and would love to come. This is a fun zone.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 7:39 pm 
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Rhenn id redy tro port and might bring along a warrior friend(Gnote as well as his cleric roomate (Gaateraidand msaybe RL GF 72 druid(killereny)thry migt also bring friends fron Supreme Hustleas i have told them in the past the more the merrrier

Rhennium Chlorride (56 Epic Shaman) 202
Darcasterr (77 Arch Mage) holder of the10th Coldain ring andon her way tolevel 78
Rheniium64 epic Zerker former DragonHunter) with epic 1.0 (currently working towards Epic 1.5hopefully soon holder of the 10th Coldain ring)

Nytjade if needed [ actually belongs to Nytrix ](inactive account)( Darhen (56 enight 55 Warrior
Darkrezz 5362 Cleric
Doc rhenn 74 Cleric
Rhenyt 24 monk
Rhenn66 Wizard
Fendelyn 51-warrior

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 4:14 am 
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Drexxell , 71st GNecrOMancEr -- Wielder of ()
Druul , 60th Troll Shaman () + Wielder of and
Driss, 51st Dwarf Priestess of Brell Serilis
Dralia, 36th Erudite Enchantress


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PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 5:26 am 
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 5:28 am 
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 8:07 am 
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Mordorntoo - level 85 Shaman
Worrudar - level 57 Warrior
Mordorn - level 41 Cleric
Windweyen - level 24 Ranger
Musickiller - level 20 Bard
Mordemonk - level 29 Monk
Mordewiz - level 18 Wizard

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 6:52 am 
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 5:46 am 
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Hope everyone is able to make it on tonight!!!! I'm hoping we have a big turnout... As for me, my hard drive blew up but I'm re-patching and re-mapping as I type. It was time for a new drive anyways, hehe.

Again, hope to see everyone there, and don't forget to read Drex's guide so you are better prepared ;) !

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 5:48 am 
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Ack! Computer problems are no fun :(

I'm planning to be on for Plane of Sky. See you tonight.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 8:05 am 
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By the way, the Guild Treasury will provide plat and/or stones for the teleport. Rhenn, if you've already bought some, let me know how much you spent and I'll reimburse you. If not, I'll go get some before the raid tonight for your use (and for Cin, if we need an extra porter).

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 8:06 am 
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I had dropped 9 stones in the guild bank a while back; I'm not sure if they're still there or not, but be sure to check. ;)

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 10:04 am 
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oh oh oh! Mr Koter! Mr Koter! Can I go!

I'm a 55 cleric, and would love to go, don't really care about the drops, but never done sky before, and well I wanna. I dig the old world.

I could use the xp too :)

I'm the short one on the leezard.
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