As a necro who almost never solo'd, I can honestly say I don't
have a lot of experience. My best recommendation is to find
a party, group with them, use yourself as a "HP siphon" for
the main tank, and hide behind the healer. That got me
to level 61 nicely.
However, as to soloing...
1) Fear kiting was always difficult for me. Obviously it's pretty
useless in a dungeon, as that was just asking for a train.
Out in the open zones, my luck with it was just as bad.
More often than not, it ended up with a dead pet, and
me FD'ing until the 10 mobs that I'd picked up while kiting
went away. I'd like to ask a Druid or Bard how it was
they could fear-kite so successfully when I just sucked at it.
2) My best solo method was to root-rot. Since the pets usually
stink relative to even dark blue mobs, I treated them as
(a) a last-ditch shield if anything approached me and
(b) the final killing stroke once I got a mob down to about 10%.
Usual method was:
1) Lich
2) Snare/Slow based DoT for quicker getaways once Root breaks (epic 1.0 is good for this)
3) Root mob (extra-quickly if #2 failed to land)
4) Re-try snare if it failed at step #2
5) Begin the "HP sucking" DoT to offset Lich
6) Hit the mob with additional DoTs (I often kept 4-5 loaded at a time + epic)
7) Sit and med

When mob hits 10%, send in pet
About the only change-up to this would be if the pet were tackling
multiple mobs, or the mob was particularly tough and the pet's
attack skills had to be used before 10%, I'd run the "HP giving"
anti-DoT spell from me to the pet which would help keep the pet alive.
I found that even with Lich and the "HP giving" spell going, I could
still have just the "HP sucking" DoT on the mob and *generally* if
I'm sitting still, I wouldn't lose HP at a dangerous rate.
Drexxell ,
71st GNecrOMancEr -- Wielder of (
Druul ,
60th Troll Shaman (
) + Wielder of and
51st Dwarf Priestess of Brell Serilis
36th Erudite Enchantress