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Wayfarers of Veeshan • View topic - Grieg Veneficus

Wayfarers of Veeshan

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2005 6:22 am 
Wayfarer of Veeshan

Joined: Sat Dec 14, 2002 9:23 pm
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This was a lot of fun, it was really nice seeing everyone. Grieg wasn't up but we went through the routine of getting to him.
The key unlocks a door to a room with a portal to the second floor. There were seven to ten guards around the corner from where you end up once passing through the portal and two in the immediate area. They cannot be mezzed and if pulled they all seemed to aggro. An FD puller should be able to split them, there was a decent amount of distance from them and where you could stage the raid force.
I'm all for trying again sometime, I'd love to take a shot at Grieg himself.

Visionary Durezil Coppahtahp -- kidnapped by a Gold Wing
Reaver Veloquin Ashheart
Baby Tunash Heartsong

"I may not know the way but if you follow me, together we will find it." ~me

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2005 7:35 am 
Wayfarer of Veeshan

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i had alot of fun ,was nice to hunt with old friends again ,thanks for letting me tag along :grin:

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PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2005 8:55 am 
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It definately was a fun time. I look forward to the next time and hopefully Mr. Greig will be in residence. :P

Thanks Haams for setting it up.

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PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2005 9:15 am 
Wayfarer of Veeshan
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I agree. :) Lots of fun! I ended up with 1275p and gave it all to the guild tribute. I was going to split it between the groups but everyone took off to fast. Thanks for the great time! :)


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PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2005 9:24 am 
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Thanks for looting, Vas. It's much appreciated.

And it's always nice when old friends join us. :) You are always welcome.

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PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2005 3:30 pm 
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I'm all for trying again. I'd like to set it for a saturday night or sunday so I can hang around later. Thanks to everyone who came! Hopefully those who were unable to attend can make it for the next try.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 2:29 pm 
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I've been snooping around here a few times with Zayphres and wondered if anyone might be interested in this again? I think Grieg can be single grouped now if need be.


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 3:32 pm 
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Sure, sounds like fun. I've always liked that zone.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 3:43 pm 
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You bet, still lots in there I've never seen.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 4:38 am 
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If nothing seems to be going your way, choose another direction.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 4:38 am 
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 4:47 am 
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If nothing seems to be going your way, choose another direction.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 4:48 am 
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 12:57 pm 
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Well I found out the Corpse Key parking works. I've even parked the key on another corpse so it's "fresh" for another 7 days. Thanks to everyone that showed up Sunday to do some GE hunting. Unfortunately Grieg was not up, and while we tried to clear his guards, which were, we learned a few important things. They can be invisible. They are immune to change in runspeed (I'm pretty sure) so no snare no root. They do not agro until they are attacked, but are social and have a HUGE agro range so when you attack one most if not all the others will add. We killed the two in the room you first appear in on second floor. We single killed two that are in the corners nearest the steps/door. The rest was a different story :roll: .

Still we learned alot and there's always next time. :wink:


If nothing seems to be going your way, choose another direction.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 8:36 am 
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