<fade in...the scene: a dark and dank dungeon setting...a cauldron bubbles over an open fire...recently uprooted coffins lay piled around the walls, their lids off, their contents disturbingly missing...a bald gnome with an evil gleam in his eye is reading an old tome while a Spectre floats about, killing everything from cockroaches to rats and dropping them into the cauldron....>
<Suddenly, a knock is heard at the door>
Drexxell: Yes?
Talinoth (through the door): It's me, Drex...I need to talk to you.
<Drexxell motions with his head toward the door, and the spectre moves to open the door. Talinoth, a well-seasoned Wood Elven Druid enters, followed by Thunderhart, battle-scarred Barbarian warrior who has to duck to get thru the doorway. They both roll their eyes at the now-familiar companions of their good friend, and walk over to Drexxell's table.>
Talinoth: Drex, I was thinking of changing hunting grounds.
Drexxell: What? The Plane of Mischief isn't challenging enough for you? Had enough of Dastardly Rascals?
Thunderhart (smacking Drexxell on the back of the head): It's not that, smart-guy. Listen to Tali.
Talinoth: You see, there's this spell...Spirit of Eagle...it's a defining spell of druids well below my 60th level. I feel I'm being derelict in my duties as a druid to not provide this useful buff to my friends...
Drexxell: And....the vendor of this spell is deep in some new land we've not yet explored?
Talinoth: No, it's not vendor sold...
Drexxell: Ah, say no more. (He walks over to his bookshelf). What's the name again? I'll have it researched for you in a jiffy...
Thunderhart: Are necromancers allowed to say "jiffy"?
Talinoth (suppressing a snicker): No, Drex...it's not that. There's no known way to research this spell. It's a closely guarded secret held by a few creatures throughout Norrath. My sources tell me that the Underbulks of Fungus Grove hold this spell sacred.
Drexxell (thinking hard): Fungus Grove, you say? Well, that certainly sounds like an interesting place! Let's go!
<fade out....>
<fade in...Drexxell dying at the hands of mushrooms....fade out>
<fade in...Thunderhart dying at the hands of mutant dregs...fade out>
<fade in...Talinoth dying at the hands of Shik'Nar....fade out>
<fade in...Drexxell, Thunderhart, Talinoth and Jonez invisibly running past an oily looking lake which gives off a strange green glow...they hide behind a giant boulder and look out at a field covered with giant armadillo-looking creatures -- Underbulks!>
Talinoth: Well now...um...ahem...that wasn't too hard, right?
<all glare at him, trying not to re-live the difficult time it took to even GET to this Bertoxxulous-forsaken rock>
<slowly the carnage builds...this time it is not the Wayfarers who die, but the monsters inhabiting this alien grotto.... mutants... underbulks... shriekers... through the brave pulling of Thunderhart, the cautious application of fear, the regulated discipline of pets, and well timed heals, the monster pile grows...and grows...barely have the monsters died when spores and fungi sprout on the corpses, deteriorating them rapidly. Drexxell's gleeful smile showing how much this spot reminds him of the underside of a graveyard...some spells drop...the underbulks clearly, despite their crude appearance, revere arcane knowledge...and then...>
Thunderhart: Incoming!
<pets jump to attack the small underbulk...Thunderhart's weapons fly like a human razor storm...Jonez' nukes land solidly, blasting the creature with the power of the elements...Drexxell's spells decay the underbulk with disease and fire...and Talinoth guards us all with the healing powers of his deity....the small underbulk falls dead, and a small scroll is seen lodged between its plates...Talinoth leans down...retrieves the scroll....>
<Talinoth wipes the sweat from his brow and smiles a broad smile, holding the scroll up to reveal....>
<fade out>
Gratz Tali!
Thanks to all the WoVs who stopped into FG over the last week to help out!
_________________ Drexxell , 71st GNecrOMancEr -- Wielder of ( ) Druul , 60th Troll Shaman ( ) + Wielder of and Driss, 51st Dwarf Priestess of Brell Serilis Dralia, 36th Erudite Enchantress 