Don't know of a guide, but I'll try to explain what I know.
Personal Tribute:
Every home town has at least one racail "Tribute Master". <CTRL-F>ind can be used to locate them. Some cities (Surfall Glade, for example) will have more than one Tribute Master. You need to go to the one that matches your race.
You can turn-in most tradable items for points, storing up to 200k, I believe.
Then while you are there, you pick which abilities you want when you turn on your tribute, and what level. Just about every state and popular focus item is represented in the list. You can choose up to 5.
Popular choices are HP up to 150, Mana up to 150, Flowing Thought up to 5, Spell Hastes to up 5, Mana Preservation up to 5, etc.)
To turn on tribute, <ALT-U> opens the window, and choose the personal tab. You'll see the benefits you've chosen, their level and cost, how many points you currently have stored, the cost per 10 minutes of the benefits you've chosen, and your total cumulative points that you've ever turned in.
Clicking on ACTIVATE will spend the points for the benefits, and start a 10 minutes timer. When the timer expires, points will again be taken from your pool presuming you have enough, and will start another 10 minute timer.
This will continue until you run out of points, or DEACTIVATE tribute.
If you log off with tribute running, you won't lose points while you're logged off, but tribute will still be on when you log back in, and you'll most likely not remember that it's on. So best to always shut it off before logging.
Guild Tribute:
Similar in most ways to personal tribute. Instead of the home town tribute master, you use the Guild Tribute Master in PoK (lots of people are trying to get one into Guild Hall as well).
Anyone can turn in items to count towards the guild point total, but only officers and guild leader can select the benefits to be turned on, their level, and to ACTIVATE/DEACTIVATE the tribute.
Unlike personal tribute, people (including leader and officers) need to check the "Opt-In" check box at the Guild Tribute Master if they want to get the benefit when it's turned on. By default, no one has "Opted-In".
This is usefull since you wouldn't want lower level alts to get benefis that are too high for them to really help them (why use Spell Haste V when Spell Haste II will work), and for mules that won't engage in combat at all.
Benefit cost per 10 minutes is the total points of the benefits chosen * the number of people on-line who has opted in. So if you have 50 points per 10 minutes chosen, and 3 people are on-line. It will spend 150 points per 10 minutes. In larger guilds, you can see how this can pile up quickly.
I think that's everything that I can think of about tribute ... if there's a question that I didn't answer, let me know.
_________________ -- Mindbender Llaffer Outloud
<select name=Skills>
<option>78 past 1750
<option>272 from 2100
<option>Alcohol Tolerance:200