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Wayfarers of Veeshan • View topic - Maximizing DPS with a Warrior

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2004 8:03 am 
Wayfarer of Veeshan
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Joined: Tue Jan 21, 2003 10:13 am
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Can you imagine A worrior duel weilding augmented with and a augmented with a

WOW 8-O that would be some agro :lol:

Laldaas Arrowsligger "Retired" 62nd Season
People knew him as the "Mighty Ranger"
"Never Give Up"

What happens if I take both the red and the blue pill at the same time?

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PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2004 10:53 am 
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PostPosted: Thu May 27, 2004 12:03 pm 
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Okies...wish I woulda seen this a bit earlier.

My 2 cents being a Warrior.

ALL of the posts above are correct. The Warriors job in a group is NOT to dish out damage, but to take it and keep the agro. The rest of the group is there to do the damage. The following is MY breakdown:

Warriors - Keep the monsters attention, period. At my level and even lower, this can be greatly accomplished by Taunt, the Taunt line of disc's that warriors get, weapon procs (high dex makes em proc more) and last but not least...be the CLOSEST to the mob. I was stealling agro from a better equipped/higher level warrior on a group in PoD because I was the closest to the mob. (she even sent me a tell stating she was jealous of the way I was keeping agro) If pallies, sk's. rogues, monks and Rangers (that are meleeing and not using their bow) are stealing agro from a Warrior and the cleric is cursing all of the meleer's about their mana, then just ask the other melee DPS to fight the mobs at the edge of their melee range. Most will do this if asked. That way, your cleric/healer has an easier time of healing, cause now all the healer needs to worry about is you.

Mages, Wizzies, Necros - in my opinion, these are the guys and gals that should be out-damaging anyone in the group. They are your MAIN damage dealers. Because between their nukes and pets, there is NO way a warrior will be able to out damage them (unless they don't know how to play their toons)

Clerics, Druids, Shammies - in my opinion, these classes are your support team. Not only are they their for heals and buffs, but with shammy and druid DoTs (which most are NON-agro if done right) those mobs are going down fast. And a Cleric with a dex buff and a good weapon with a proc...WOW...I have seen Vasilia put out some great damage.

The Rest of the Melee Classes - these are your back up tanks and additional DPS. None less important than the others.

Drexx, the best advice I can give is to NOT worry so much about DPS, but concentrate more on holding that agro. If you have a high dex, a decent haste item (would look for something at least 30% or better) and a couple decent weapons with some good procs, the only other thing you can do is to just plain ole practice. I also used to carry around a variety of weapons with different procs just to see how those procs and my taunts/discs held the agro. You just have to find the right thing for your warrior. If you take a look around Norrath, you don't see too many Warriors that have the same weapons equipped.

On another note too, as a Warrior, part of our job is to take damage. The higher your HP and AC is, the less your Healer needs to heal. A high Agility also helps to mitigate the damage you take and there are also some VERY good AA abilities that can help with this.

Hope this helped and that I did not ramble too much off subject.

Vaeuryte Moonchaser
70 Overlord

"SUCCESS isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire"
-Arnold Glasgow
'What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?"
-Dr Robert Schuller

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2004 10:54 am 
Wayfarer of Veeshan

Joined: Mon Jun 24, 2002 2:36 pm
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My cleric REALLY likes it when a good War is taking all the damage and holding the agro. He don't care what damage he is doing as long as he holds the agro. When he has to heal rangers and necroes and bards and...... OOM comes real quick. When he can do a CH on WAr then sit for a while, LIFE IS GOOD! Also keeps him FOM more and ready to heal those others when the inevitable ADDS! is called while the chanter is gettin interrupted by several criters hittin on him.

Surphat Paladin of 53 Seasons
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PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2004 11:30 am 
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Well...there is another point I would like to make also, since you DID bring up the subject of clerics and healing :)

Use those HoT's...they are a cleric's best friend :) And make sure you get your Yaulp line of spells. With a good dex buff, your best summoned hammer and Yaulp = Battle Cleric that can med and fight at same time. Also make sure you look for good cleric FT items. Vas rocks as a healer but would REALLY kick backside with some FT :)

Vaeuryte Moonchaser
70 Overlord

"SUCCESS isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire"
-Arnold Glasgow
'What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?"
-Dr Robert Schuller

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PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2004 3:38 pm 
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FT items are a good point -- and since someone brought up Emperor in another thread, I thought I'd put them together.

The Emperor fight can last as long as 20-30 minutes since only bane dmg and non magic-based spells can land on it. You don't want your clerics running out of mana around minute 15.

When we killed Lord Inquisitor Seru a few months ago, we did it with 3 groups, but over half of us were effectively useless since we had no bane weapons. That fight lasted almost 45 minutes. Clerics never ran out of mana since they had good gear with +mana and +FT stats.

-- Mindbender Llaffer Outloud
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PostPosted: Mon May 31, 2004 4:44 am 
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On behalf of the boys I would also like to add my thanks to this thread guys/gals. I was amazed at how this turned out. Sheds new light on what the purpose of the characters roles really are. I guess I new it, but didn't realize it.

Xandamir - 57th level Templar (Ranger Rezzor)
Perisai Troublemaker - 56th level Sacrificial OUTRIDER
Pulkaria - 54th level Beastlord (Furry Ranger)
Nealyn Prae - 43rd level Druid (Ranger Wannabe)
Calithe - 47th level bardling (Never wanted to be a ranger)
Nessah - 37th Level Ranger Mezzer

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 4:02 pm 
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Knowledge is only half the battle :)

Vaeuryte Moonchaser
70 Overlord

"SUCCESS isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire"
-Arnold Glasgow
'What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?"
-Dr Robert Schuller

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