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Wayfarers of Veeshan • View topic - Monday Aug 25 - Sebilis

Wayfarers of Veeshan

An Everquest Guild on Luclin
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 5:57 am 
Wayfarer of Veeshan

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 6:16 am 
Wayfarer of Veeshan

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Kithrana Lifeweaver
Cleric of Tunare

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 7:26 am 
I have my Seb. key so I will be at the raid but I may be a little late getting there.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 7:36 am 
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Kith - I'm not sure about doing Trak at 51 - he has some pretty nasty dots but if we do just and exp raid to learn the zone you should be fine.
It depends on the turnout if we are going to try Iro's epic quest or not.

I made it at 9est so I could make sure the kids are in bed and not causing disractions! :)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 8:14 am 
Wayfarer of Veeshan
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from my experience with Zbik and aa I found aa exp didn't move fast enough for it to be worthwhile until around lvl 55. The spells and stats you get from levels far outweight anything AA can give you at first in my opinion

BUT...the great thing about aa's is htat they give you something else to do with your character, so do whatever is most fun :)

Trapped in Veeshan. Send food.

 Post subject: AA xp.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 11:12 am 
Going to try and make this if I can, has been alot of activity around trak lately with several guilds completing thier VP keys. Going to hijack this thread for a minute to talk about AA xp tho. Most people don't like my views on AA because they always want to get something new. IMO casters that are casting on the mob because of resists, especially slowers and mezzers should push their levels. If there was an AA that you could train to make you resist 50% less you would train it. Well there is, its your level. There are always exceptions, I'll take a ranger with eq/am3 at low 60's over a lvl 65 one without any day. I'll take a monk pulling with run3 in and indoor zone over one without. Clerics are only casting on players the majority of the time and aa can help them more than levels in most cases. If you going to be in high end raiding situations level will help your ae resist more than just about anything. For the melee you'll see far better mitigation from increased level than you will by training combat stability or combat agility, from my experience anyway. If you are a caster and your wanting to loot some spectral parchments for your 63-64 spells, they drop in HoH and BoT which open up at 62 if you haven't done the key quests or killed the key mobs. Those 2 zones also have the best xp and drops that I have seen. I remember how long I spent training my first 3 aa points at lvl 51-52. They were things I needed and I don't regret training them and all classes will have things like Run3 that are very hard not to get as soon as you can. Now my typical AA point at lvl 65 in a good BoT or HoH dps group runs from 45-90 minutes depending on the camp. PoV Inner camp has comparable experience from what I've seen but only chance in there at a spectral is off the named pop. Unless its something you really need, they come alot faster when your bigger.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 4:02 am 
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/agree Notnilc

In the time it took me to go from 61 to 62 in CoD, my buddy pinged 4 times. That's 4 AAs in 3 hours. The AAs will come, but levels > AAs unless you're playing an old world dragon hunter.

I wish I could make it to seb with you guys, but RL prevents me from playing Sunday through Tuesday nights :oops:

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 6:57 am 
Wayfarer of Veeshan
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Trapped in Veeshan. Send food.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 10:00 am 
Former Guild Leader / Elder
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Some INFO grabbed from Allkhazam:

about the undead bard:

This guy is easy to kill after you hand in the Mystical Lute Body, but the Trakanon spawned is just as tough to kill as the regular spawn. 24-30 is recommended with high PR for 1200DD AE (poison based) and MR for the AE blind (deadly when it lands on the healers)

Forgot to mention that the UDB is on a 20 hour spawn and is KOS to the real Trakanon. This means when Trak is up UDB chain dies until he's taken down giving the UDB time to spawn unharmed. Plain english: After regular Trak dies it will pop between then and 20 hours later. I recommend raiding the day after Trakanon is taken down. Easy trick is to leave a corpse in the lair from the previous raid. When anywhere in zone you can target youself, cast locate corpse, then use bind sight to keep a watchful eye on the spawn.

From EQDiva.com:

Mystical Lute Strings
Finally, get the strings for the Lute - Trakanon Gut Strings. These drop from Trakanon himself (Level 65 dragon in Sebilis). There have been some recent changes to the quest. The Trakanon guts no longer drop from the regular Trakanon.

You get another copy of Trakanon to spawn by talking to the Undead Bard. The undead bard spawns approximately 18 +/- 4 hours after Trakanon is killed, although he has spawned immediately after Trakanon is slain as well. It may be unnerving to setup a whole raid party not knowing whether the UDB (Undead Bard) is up or not. His approximate location is neg 2100, neg 700. A ranger could not track the Undead Bard until the raid party reached the location neg 1600, neg 200. This means tracking range seems to be about 700 units. In the Jugg's castle before reets, Jumpy was trackable, UDB was NOT. With bard tracking, the UDB will only be trackable from the bridge to the lair.

You turn in your epic lute body to him. He returns the lute body immediately (appears in your inventory), becomes enraged, he needs to be killed. He is around level 55-56. Ask to have Rune V cast on you, as the Undead Bard will hit hard, this way you can make it back to your group alive. When the enraged undead bard is killed, Trakanon spawns. He drops Trak guts 100% of the time, and also drops a Trakanonian BP or class chest item (random) but no teeth.

Here is how the conversation will go with your Undead Bard:

You say, 'Hail, An Undead Bard'
An Undead Bard says 'Hail, Kocho . Are you perchance a minstrel?'
You say, 'I am a minstrel'
An Undead Bard says 'I, too, am a bard, or was rather. I have been cursed by that blasted pile of bones who calls itself, Trakanon'
You say, 'who is Trakanon'
An Undead Bard says 'He is the undead dragon who rules this realm. I came on a quest seeking strings for my new instrument.'
You say, 'what new instrument'
An Undead Bard says 'I sought to create a Magical Lute.'
You say, 'what Magical Lute'
An Undead Bard says 'One that would make me the greatest bard in all the lands! Are you on a similar quest?'
You say, 'I am on a similar quest'
An Undead Bard says 'Well then, I would ask you a favor for one in return. If I bring that cursed dragon here, will you kill it for me?'
You say, 'I will kill it for you'
An Undead Bard says 'Excellent. I have stayed here far too long and I wish to go to my eternal slumber. But before I do so, I ask for one last request'
You say, 'what is your one last request'
An Undead Bard says 'Give me the Mystical Lute Body you have. I will return it, don't worry. I only wish to hold an instrument one last time before I leave.'

With your newly acquired Trakanon guts, head to Steamfont to meet your friendly little gnome again. Give the following lute parts to Foplar to receive the complete Mystical Lute:
Mystical Lute Head
Mystical Lute Body
Gut strings
[Receive Forpar's Mystical Lute]

Again from Allakhzam :

Raid Encounter

It was Trakanon who led the assault on the Iksar Empire, raidng their cities before taking up residence in Venril Sathir's old stronghold of Sebilis. He has managed to dodge death, and seems to have come out even better off.

He claws for 650, with a sickening melee range, and his breath attack has been known to kill whole groups in minutes.

It is Trakanon who drops the Breastplates for the Kunark Class specific armour.

Again from Allakhazam:


I have led several Trakanon raids on my server, infact we still do them weekly. It took a few failed attempts to learn how to take him out but once we got it down, we have not failed in the last 10 to 12 try's.

I know there are several strategies that can work but I will give you the one that has worked for me.

Raid can be done safely with 4 groups avg level being 57+. I know it can be done with less people that have uber gear since PoP, but I am assuming this is your first go and you will at the begining stages of taking out higher level mobs like Trak.

Key classes:

Necro to DMF the Raid.
Shaman to PR the Raid.
Cleric for each Group that has Group Heals.
Paladin to Agro Trakanon.
2 Wizards minimum with back up mage or Druid Nuking. Ideally you want 3 to 4 Wizards if you can.
Approximately 8 melee classes.
Bard with AE PR song is a huge bonus.
2 Enchanters, one at least 57+.


You work your raid to the first room on right past the hidden wall in Reets. Commonly referred to as the Buffing Room. It has 2 Reets that spawn inside and a Roaming Jugg.

Hold raid there and buff up while puller pulls and clears all roaming juggs to ramp in Traks Lair. Necro's DMF the whole raid and Shaman PR whole riad now. Raiders put on PR resist gear.

Now, the hard part is learning how to pull the level 60 Jugg Protector out of the Lair without agroing Trakanon. Puller must be 57+ in level to reduce agro draw.

Move to near top of ramp in Trak's lair. Use camera angle 4 to swing around and look into Trak's lair. Trak has 2 Positions that he sits in. Position A)Middle of the Lair, Position B) tucked away to left inside lair where you can only see his tail and wing tips. He moves about every 10 to 15 mins from position to position.

Protector roams inside the Lair from Trak-A position to top of ramp into Traks Lair.

It is important that Trakanon be in position B, and Protector is all the way at top of ramp as far as he can go without falling into the water. When this is set up, puller pulls Protector from top of ramp, runs back with DMF across water to tunnel leading to buffing room. Stops and turns, making sure Trakanon didn't agro.

Puller will see Protector and 2 to 3 normal Juggs in pursuit if done right. I normally pull Protector with Slow when I lead the raids. If puller sees Trakanon, he stops and dies, then res and retry.

Puller leads Protector and Juggs back to buffing room and party kills them. Once that is done everyone moves to the bridge at the base of ramp to Trak's Lair. Clear any Roamers on the way.

Now, lead your Melee and Paladin up ramp towards lair stopping near top. Move your casters/clerics right up behind them.

Have Clerics load GROUP heals and Cure Poison.

IMPORTANT - Going into lair, ALL raiders MUST hug left corner as to not agro Tolumpy and his Juggs.

Send Paladin into Lair and have him agro Trakanon and move him to position A if he is not already there. Have him agro, move then DA.

Approximately 4 Seconds later Send in your Melee at full charge to Trakanon.

Approximately 5 Seconds after melee charge, send in your casters/clerics.

Enchanters will mezz any regular Juggs inside with Trakanon, could be one or two in lair.

Clerics will cast chain group healing spells.

Melee - Melee~

Casters will start nuking when Trakanon hits 70% of life left. They continue to nuke HARD the rest the fight.

After Trak dies, have Cleircs/Druids/Shaman all cure poison on any with poison DoT still on.

You will likely lose one to 2 melee to Trak touch being sent to Shrooms, so have your necro ready to summon them and bring a few coffins.


Hope this information helps a few in taking out Trakanon.

Tracor Icelandar - Officer of Order of Concord, Tunare
Shaman of the 62nd season.

P.S. If you need anymore info, you can contact me on Tunare or our guild boards: Orderofconcord.com


70 Bard, at your service
Elder, Wayfarer of Veeshan

Also, , , Irodanise (52 Pal), Irodanes (31 Rog), Iroardanis (19 BL), Sinadori (25 SK), Dreminal (32 Dru)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 10:13 am 
Friend of WoV

Joined: Tue Aug 05, 2003 6:35 am
Posts: 263
Location: Washington, DC
Is he slowable, crippleable, asphixiateable? Are those last two even words? :P

, group poison and disease cure
, 65 vs p/d buff

I'd love to kill Trak if this happens on a day I can play :grin:

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 8:25 am 
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Thanks to everyone who came out last night. We had about 34 people and were able to take down Trakanon. :grats: Iro! :banana:

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 9:17 am 
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gratz Irodanis and it was a good time.

Salyen 57 Conjurer (baron) 1 drop from epic!

Xabthik 40 monk
Slayinsongs 22 bard

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 9:49 am 
Wayfarer of Veeshan

Joined: Mon Mar 03, 2003 12:51 pm
Posts: 121
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Gratz Iro !
Last night was SO MUCH FUN !! I had a blast :grin:


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 10:06 am 
Former Guild Leader / Elder
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WoV is AWESOME :) .. We did it, we actually did it. Years ago when I first started working on my epic, I looked ahead at what still needed to be done and said "No way I'll get all that done" and I gave up. I didn't pursue it at all. I kept what I had done in the bank and looked to other things. I would pick up a piece here or there just because I was there and it dropped, but I didn't actively pursue items again until a few months ago when I started my Icicle bard story. Well last night a great force of friends and guildies gathered for Cymoryl's Sebilis raid with the goal of taking down the Undead Bard and then Trakanon himself. We gathered and we conquered. What else is there to say? Overall we made a lvl 63 poison undead dragon look like a cakewalk. We had about 8? deaths all but two were from the lasting effects of Trakanon's Poison DoT's after the fight was over. Surphat was banished by the dragon and died elsewhere and had to be summoned.

Special thanks to Diriel and Demidar and their friends for leaving their Hate camp to come help, and to Lilmischiefs and Sanctus Amelius folk who joined in to help as well, and to all of the Wayfarers that have helped along the way .. WOOOOT !


70 Bard, at your service
Elder, Wayfarer of Veeshan

Also, , , Irodanise (52 Pal), Irodanes (31 Rog), Iroardanis (19 BL), Sinadori (25 SK), Dreminal (32 Dru)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 4:12 pm 
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