Kahmon, who had the fortitude to live up to his surname of "skilsimusmaximus" took to heart my need for a Ceramic Skull of Decay (
http://www.wayfarersofveeshan.com/phpBB ... highlight= ). On Saturday night, shortly after we saw him finish his grandmaster potter's trophy, he presented me with this gift. In an effort to keep myself updated with all 3 of the Affliction focus effects (Efficiency, Haste and Extended) this item, with it's Affliction Haste 4 effect, will allow me to change out of my Green Silken Drape (Aff Haste 2) and shoot for that Velium robe one day.
Congrats Kahmon, for reaching grandmaster and thank you for your incredible generosity.
Drexxell ,
71st GNecrOMancEr -- Wielder of (
Druul ,
60th Troll Shaman (
) + Wielder of and
51st Dwarf Priestess of Brell Serilis
36th Erudite Enchantress