Hail Wayfarers! Honorable Mention in need!!! This is one Terrfic guild! I had some weekend, Whew...decided to do the eye patch of pluder this weekend, considering I already had the piece of the iceclad map from the lozi camp a couple of weeks ago.Friday night went over to storm feather and to my unfortunite luck, it was camped. So I waited my turn to get the timeing down. Stormfeather went down 2:30 am... ugh 3 hours sitting ther waiting for my turn and not even my camp.Now its my turn.
I hung out there all night killing snow cougars, workin on my conjure...boring! took a lil nap around ten hours til 13 hours.all blurry eyed looked at my screen and to my surprize I had company,
Spieke(as most alot of ya know now, lol).I polietly informed him that I already have nearly 20 hours invested in the camp and asked him to move on. Well he informed me that he was a lvl 65 forest stalker with sevral AA points and said "You would be sadly mistaken if you think you could out damage me, go scratch, I have been ksed several times here and now its your turn."
Well two hours to a possible pop time wasn't having that. So I let the guild now what was goin on and half an hour later, I did "/" to see who was in zone I counted 21 "Wayfarers Of Veeshan" in zone

and 1 "Infinate odysey."woot woot.
Needless to say he changed his story quickly after I told him to do a /who all in zone.
Thank you all!
Unfortuniatly sf skipped spawn(of course

)...ugh another 19 hours
Around midnight Inndy and basie oh and Z come of for a visit, and took over camp for a while while I took my wife out for a couple of drinks(I had to do the go loving hubby thing ignored her for 24 hours

Thanks guys!
ugh.. 10 hours later expected pop time was in 45mins. Just to humor myself I casted see invisible and to my surprize guess who is sitting next to me
Spieke.(go figure)
seem to be perfect timing spieke left zone for a few dont why at that perfect moment
You have slain Stormfeather! at 10:44am est woot woot
needless to say Spieke was disappointed!

From there went to finish the quest.
Camped Dire Wolf Stalker with /loc from Kahmon and malbro,after 4 hours of frustration,Loull came over to help.we ran around for a while with crazy adds, Just couldnt find him.So malbro poped in to lend a hand,Wouldnt you know it not 2 mins in the zone Malbro says "There he is."

Malbro and Loull wlked my through the rest of the quest to compeletion!
Thank you!
After a total of 50 + hours I was rewarded THE EYEPATCH OF PLUNDER!
AC: +10 Str: +10 Dex: +10 Magic Resist: +6 Fire Resist: +6 Cold Resist: +6 Poison Resist: +6 Disease Resist: +6 HP: +50
Weight: 0.5
Classes: All Classes
Races: All Races
Inventory Slot: Face
Effect: Captain Nalots Quickening
Type: Triggered
Charges: Unlimited
Clickable 20% haste
I just cant thank everyone enough for all there help
Laldaas Arrowsligger "Retired" 62nd Season
People knew him as the "Mighty Ranger"
"Never Give Up"
What happens if I take both the red and the blue pill at the same time?