Heyo Wayfarerers, Im not sure if you have seen me at all. But im a friend of Kelno's and was wondering if maybe your guild wanted to raid plane of fear sometime. The reason im asking is because my current guild does not have the manpower to do this, I know Wayfareres do, ill be looking to loot the iksar child's tear for my shaman epic, for bringing me on this raid if you decide to accept i hereby remove my rights to loot anything else that may drop. All i want is the tear =)
From the beginning of the game i have never had a char that has had their epic let alone a char that i actually stuck with, this character is different i would love to make my mark on the world by becoming a frog with a spear of fate. It would mean so much to me if your guild could consider my request, it would be fun for you guys too.
p.s. Go kelno and katia
Xylil Spiritscale, Officer of Reformed makers of myth
Mystic of Marr