Hey Haams! Still hanging in there. I have a wife and two little ones. First was born when I turned 42 and second about a year and a half later. Now at 51 I've got my hands full with a 6 and 8 year old. Working for Coca Cola now going on 12 years. Not too far south of Alley in Dallas. How's things with you? I think about you guys often believe it or not. I"ll tell friends stories of our days in EQ and I bet they think i'm crazy or a nerd but that's all right. LoL I'm friends with Windy on facebook but not sure how she's doing. I've talked to John aka Reagun a few times and he and his wife Barbie are doing well. I am pretty sure Reagun still plays EQ. They have triplets who are just a bit older than my two boys, I've seen them on Facebook. Ray aka Celone, Caldeen, Reviloyar is doing well and plays Dungeons and Dragons Online with me one night a week. He's living out in the country trying to raise chickens and get off the grid but he can't give up his internet.

Just saw Marc Riddle who I cannot remember his character name and someone in his family graduated high school or college or something. Well that's enough of my rambling on. Hope you are doing well. I'll pop in from time to time to check messages and such. Hard to forget folks I spent the better part of 9 years talking to almost every night.

If nothing seems to be going your way, choose another direction.