LoL now I know it's more than that, I remember I had buttons to flip to bow to pull, my inc message, flip to sword and shield, attack, taunt and bash and pop my disciplines to help absorb damage. I remember watching my health bar yo yo from full do almost dead as healers chain healed me until the real tank could take over. Then I would switch to 2h for maximum dps and start chaining bash, kick, and spells that did group heals and such. Oh and don't forget the assist key. I had 2 hot bars full of buttons plus my bandoleer. All my maps are gone and sad to say I don't remember how to get most places. I'm still amazed to remember the many times I got to be the clearing/pulling tank for our Anguish runs, many times I probably had enough drinks in me that I would have gotten an EQUI if I was pulled over but still managed to make it. Good times!
I was talking with some friends the other day and telling them of our first raid on plane of time. They were amazed we had 70 plus people and that the raid lasted almost all day. They were shocked when I told them we had no add on programs that tracked dps and would warn if you were about to pull aggro.
If nothing seems to be going your way, choose another direction.