Hey, Lively, I am doing really well. Wertaf is working hard (at his job) and enjoying it. He has also finally gotten his Canadian gun licence and purchased two guns, so my poor big American can finally breathe a sigh of relief to be able to have firearms in the house again.
I'm deeply involved in my new WIP, an apocalyptic novel called
The Rocky Road to the End of the World. It is about halfway through the first book in a three-book series. A couple of days ago, I started to share it with people who read my blog, by putting up Chapter 1 - "You Never Think It Will Happen to You." You can read it if you want at
http://fantasyfic.wordpress.com, or it will go up chapter by chapter every two weeks at
Summer has finally come to our part of the world (southeastern Saskatchewan in Canada), and the snow has finally melted. Somehow we missed Spring altogether
Our three little dogs are also doing well, happy and mostly healthy. Oreo, the male, has gotten...well, the word "portly" comes to mind. I put him on a diet and he GAINED weight during the first three weeks.

I was almost despairing. I cut back, mostly on treats and table food (which I had cut back on once at the start of those miserable three weeks), but Oreo and I gritted our teeth and reduced it some more. One thing I had forgotten was the carrots and apples the vet had recommended in place of treats, so I am getting some of those and trying again. Wish us luck.
Hopefully you and our other comrades are faring well. Let's hear from you guys...you know, a little bit of detail would be nice

I really do enjoy hearing about you and your real life lives and your EQ escapades.