Wayfarers of Veeshan

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 7:09 am 
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Joined: Tue Jun 25, 2002 11:39 am
Posts: 2268
Location: *Yay TERPS*
Well once again I find myself in the unenviable position of having to report multiple deaths and dismemberments, typically my own. Having recently vanquished almost all of our foes during the Great Item Hunt of 2002-03, my boon companions and I set out for the continent of Velious to explore the frozen wastelands therein. We had heard rumors of the long forgotten city of the Dwarves, Thurgadin and posessing the adventurous souls that we have, we just HAD to see it for ourselves.

We arrived in the Great Divide through various methods and all headed north to the great waterfall that was reputed to conceal the entrance to that fabled city. It didn't take us long to run afoul of the various giants and their pet wolves along the way. Luckily for us there were plenty of Coldain Dwarves roaming the landscape. While they seemed a bit apprehensive at first about our presence, no doubt due to the inclusion of a necromancer in our company, they allowed us safe passage into their fair city. We have been assured that should we decide to slay those same giants and wolves, the dwarves will look more favorably upon us and reward us for our efforts.

So we dutifully set out to slay us some giants. Well that was our intentions at least. We took a good look at those large foes and decided that we woud try our hand on the other local pests, the Tizmaks. We spent a few nights getting accustomed to the cold and frigid conditions of the continent and decided to look for more hardy opponents.

It was time to go after the giants to test their mettle. I am afraid that we broke even on that score. We did well enough against the dire wolves but the giants themselves were a lot of work. At one point Talinoth was wrapping their ankles with vines and such while Drexxell was putting the fear of the dead into them. Thunderhart chased them down and slew them while I tried to keep up with the healing. The turning point came when one of the giants realized that it was Drexxell that had cast the fear spell. Tali just hadn't managed to get that snare spell to stick and the giant took it personally. He hit Drexxell so hard that it took us a full hour to dig his corpse out of the snow. After a quick Resurrection, we decided to find us something else to play with for the time being.

Wurms... now there was a prospect. They reminded me of the Dragons of Lore and I have always dreamed of being a dragon slayer like so many great heroes. I personally had been attacked by a wurm upon my arrival into the Great Divide and I swore I was going to get even on it's kin. Sometimes I think Thunderhart's bloodthirstyness is rubbing off on me. Our wurm hunt led us to a series of caves that contained a series of viscious bears. We passed the next series of evenings slaying numerous bears and wurms. All was going well there, we were set up outside a bear cave, hunting the various random wurms and bears.

Sirailaden being the adventuresome enchanter he is, decided to throw his lot in with ours that first night. He of course did his job without exception and the bears became easier and easier to fell. Soon however, he had to take a break as he was tired and hungry. We said our goodbyes and promised to keep his seat on the ledge warm while waiting for his return from dinner. At this time a young lady, another enchanter by trade who was practicing her new spells in the bear cave, came running out with a small following of teddies. It seems she misjudged her ability and she needed rescuing. We obliged her as good folk often do and asked her to be more careful in the future. She however was not one to listen. We spent many more anxious moments saving her while protecting ourselves at the same time. we were loathe to leave our hunting spot as that is where Sirailaden was to return to.

Then doom struck. Our neighbor the enchantress was in dire straits. She had gained the enmity of no less than five kodiaks and came running straight to us. As luck would have it, Thunderhart had just brought us a wurm to play with. We were dying and so was she, we begged for Talinoth to call on our Mistress Tunare to evacuate us. He obliged and as we were being spirited away, Sirailaden returned. I was crushed. We had left that poor man to face all those angry bears and that wurm. I wept momentarily and then I remembered the Wayfarer's. I pleaded for some help and was promptly granted not one but two offers of aid. Thank you so much Lively and Billette. Sirailaden was resurrected and we returned to the scene of the carnage. I was torn and I am ashamed to admit it. On one hand I felt pity for the poor enchantress that led not only herself but poor Sirailaden to doom. On the other hand, I also silently exulted in the fact that had not escaped that doom herself. Sigh, another failing I need to work on.

Oh I forgot to mention that while we were getting Sir resurrected, Ninlainya a magess, joined our group. She was accompanied by an additional mage Kelno. Kelno decided to act as our body guard for the remainder of the evening and with addition of Ninlainya, we were unstoppable. We enjoyed ourselves immensely after that.

Our next evening in the Great Divide was also interesting to say the least. We had the company of Durezil, another fabulous enchanter but I will have to continue this story at a later date due to a time shortage here.

Xandamir (Humble Servant Of Tunare)

Xandamir - 57th level Templar (Ranger Rezzor)
Perisai Troublemaker - 56th level Sacrificial OUTRIDER
Pulkaria - 54th level Beastlord (Furry Ranger)
Nealyn Prae - 43rd level Druid (Ranger Wannabe)
Calithe - 47th level bardling (Never wanted to be a ranger)
Nessah - 37th Level Ranger Mezzer

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