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PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 11:53 am 
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Hi Everyone,

I was getting ready to take pictures of one of my houses in EQ2, so I went through and cleaned out my screenshot folder. Aside from a plethora of accidental screenies I found a goodly number of pictures to show off from EQ2. Enjoy!

Those of you who remember me from EQ1 will probably remember that I always dyed my armor some shade of green (except for a few ventures into red and blue when AR was doing Elemental Planes). EQ2 does not have an armor shading function--you get the texture of the items you wear, whether you like it or not. At level 20, you can wear other items in "appearance" slots, and those textures will override the textures of your "stat" gear. Short story long, Gealaen was finally able to make green leather armor just before we stopped playing earlier this year:


Just because I'm a healer class, don't think I won't cause some blunt-force trauma when needed. Cause I will. Rwor.


Brave, bold, mighty and drunken dwarves: I fear I have some bad news from the EQ2 alternate timeline. Kaladim is under new management; during the many cataclysmic events that shook Norrath in the centuries after the Sleeper's wakening, Kaladim was overthrown by kobolds and bugbears. They didn't do much to the outside look, though. I like the graphics, so I thought I'd share:


This next picture is kind of an outtake from Gealaen's house in EQ2. I'm currently in the process of redesigning the house (they gave us more rooms to play with!) so the books are no longer hanging out by the door. Yeah, did I mention that I have a lot of books? I like books. :)


Travelling around in EQ2 can be just as hazardous and time-consuming as it used to be in EQ1. Fortunately, there are some methods of intrazone travel that are available for use (some requiring a quest to unlock).

In Loping Planes, on Faydwer, you can travel to and from the Village of Somborn on flying Nightmares! I really like the graphics on these cool steeds:


In the Kingdom of Sky zones, you have to travel between flying islands (a la the Plane of Sky in EQ1) ... but instead of teleporters, there are clouds that are magically firm enough to ride: (not for folks with a fear of falling!)


On Kunark, there are curious creatures called Sokokars that are used to travel across the enormous overland zones on that dangerous continent. The first picture is Ami and Geal flying over the glacier region (near what is called The Dreadland) of Kylong Plains, the second picture is Ami and Geal flying through a great chasm in the warmer part of Kylong Plains.



Norrath is a land populated by many attractive females, no matter which timeline you're in. EQ1 has Firionia Vie and Allegretta. EQ2 has Antonia Bayle and Amistica. :)

Here's Antonia Bayle, Queen of Qeynos. (Frankly I always pictured that Queens would dress a bit more demurely. Her body guards got all offended when I tried to put platinum pieces down the front of her thong. I was playing Amistica's ranger Negane at the time; I guess Antonia has a thing for the ladies, too!)


Of all the ladies in Norrath, of any timeline, I'll always think that Amistica is the hottest. 8) Here are a few pictures of her in her sexy monkly gear. And in the very not revealing robe that she usually wears, lol.


This last picture shows Ami and Geal in our old black and red leather armor, we've both moved on to better looking gear. The picture was taken in one of the least romantic places above Norrath, The Bonemire in the Kingdom of Sky. Lots of dead things, giant insects, and weird purple rivers. I'll have to take pictures of those next time we're up there. Anywho, I figured I'd end this post with a nice intimate picture. In EQ2, humanoid avatars will tilt their head to face whatever they're targeting; when two people stand close together, it looks like this:


I wish we had that kind of height difference IRL, we're almost exactly the same height in this world, lol.

I hope you've enjoyed my old pictures from EQ2! I'll put up the best of any new pictures that come along. Have fun over on your timeline in Norrath!

Fight with honor and triumph!

Gealaen Gaiamancer (EQ2 Warden & Tailor)
Thaentos (EQ2 Shadowknight & Carpenter)
Acade Spiritscribe (EQ2 Mystic & Sage)
Aegad Bottlebreaker (EQ2 Conjuror & Alchemist)
Tyraen Thornheart (EQ2 Ranger & Woodworker)
Ardra (EQ2 Wizard & Jeweler)
Sanwych Shortorder (EQ2 Ranger & Provisioner)

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:09 pm 
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Those are cool pix, Gealaen. Thanks for posting them - and for the compliment :)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 2:21 pm 
Friend of WoV
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Joined: Tue Aug 12, 2008 7:32 am
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You're welcome! :)

Fight with honor and triumph!

Gealaen Gaiamancer (EQ2 Warden & Tailor)
Thaentos (EQ2 Shadowknight & Carpenter)
Acade Spiritscribe (EQ2 Mystic & Sage)
Aegad Bottlebreaker (EQ2 Conjuror & Alchemist)
Tyraen Thornheart (EQ2 Ranger & Woodworker)
Ardra (EQ2 Wizard & Jeweler)
Sanwych Shortorder (EQ2 Ranger & Provisioner)

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