I could use some help from anyone with tech knowledge on this...
My computer is back up and running, and seems to be ok. I am still needing
to extract my Shaman epic files from the "dead" hard drive. It's a SATA, and
my motherboard has 4 SATA slots. The first (0) is taken up by the new hard
drive. The 2nd and 3rd (1 and 2) are my 2 DVD drives. The 4th (3) is empty.
I tried unplugging one of my DVD drives (which normally is the E: drive) from
SATA slot 1 (both power and SATA cord) and attaching that power and
SATA cord to my "dead" hard drive. I then
started up the computer. While the power was definitely
spinning that "dead" disk, when I went to "explore" (using "My Computer") I found
that I couldn't see the "dead" drive. It should've shown up as "E:" when
exploring. I shut down, re-attached the DVD drive, fired back up and
definitely had the "E:" show up as that DVD drive.
So my question is : Is the drive truly dead, or did I need to do something
more for my computer to "see" the "dead" drive as an E: drive?
Drexxell ,
71st GNecrOMancEr -- Wielder of (
Druul ,
60th Troll Shaman (
) + Wielder of and
51st Dwarf Priestess of Brell Serilis
36th Erudite Enchantress