It wasn't quite so late in the evening when the kerfuffle happened. I'd been doing my rounds at the farm, trying to get in good with the gnomes of Ak'anon Strike Force V, so that I could get a peek at their stash of armor and choice bits. They've been hanging around Meldrath's goods for a while and I know they have things that are useful. So, I'll play the game, get in good and get what I need. Anyway ... I'm taking out some of the pests in the farm when all of a sudden:
[Fri Jun 19 21:53:49 2009] Grubby_Dirthand shouts, 'I am the mighty Grubby, I challenge all you weaklings to combat with my pet, since you obviously couldn t even beat it. '
[Fri Jun 19 21:55:57 2009] You shout, 'oh yeah?'
[Fri Jun 19 21:56:08 2009] You shout, 'And just where is this ... pet ?'
[Fri Jun 19 21:56:25 2009] Grubby_Dirthand shouts, 'I be near Brislebum'
Admittedly, I was curious at this point. I'd already made a point of locating this individual and his pet, so I ceased my activities at the farm and strolled over to where Grubby was. I might mention that I was strutting around in an Iksar illusion at this point...
[Fri Jun 19 21:58:06 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, 'Ah a Iksar, Great! I was needing new boots.'
[Fri Jun 19 21:58:07 2009] You say, 'Aye, Fluffy is it?'
[Fri Jun 19 21:58:09 2009] Pet_Fluffy licks her chops.
[Fri Jun 19 21:58:16 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 21:58:17 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 21:58:17 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 21:58:22 2009] Grubby_Dirthand sways to the side, then regains his composure.
[Fri Jun 19 21:58:26 2009] You say, 'Nice lookin' pet, for true'
[Fri Jun 19 21:58:39 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, 'Fluffy I think your dinner has arrived'
[Fri Jun 19 21:58:43 2009] You say, 'hehe'
[Fri Jun 19 21:59:06 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, 'Do you except my challenge Tanliel'
[Fri Jun 19 21:59:11 2009] You say, 'Aye, I do'
[Fri Jun 19 21:59:20 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, 'Fluffy attack'
[Fri Jun 19 21:59:21 2009] You point at Pet Fluffy. Yeah you!
[Fri Jun 19 21:59:44 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, 'Nip him in the behind Fluffy'
[Fri Jun 19 21:59:44 2009] Pet Fluffy is beset upon by a swarm of rats.
[Fri Jun 19 21:59:53 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, 'the behind'
[Fri Jun 19 22:00:04 2009] You say, 'Yar'
[Fri Jun 19 22:00:30 2009] You say, 'dont run Fluffy!'
[Fri Jun 19 22:01:27 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, 'Fluffy when you learn to stand on two legs I think you'll move faster.'
[Fri Jun 19 22:02:00 2009] You say, 'Come ON Fluffy'
[Fri Jun 19 22:02:01 2009] Grubby_Dirthand sways to the side, then regains his composure.
[Fri Jun 19 22:02:02 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:02:03 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:02:03 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:02:04 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:02:05 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:02:22 2009] You say, 'All the girls are watching...'
[Fri Jun 19 22:02:57 2009] Grubby_Dirthand cheers at Pet Fluffy.
File comment: Pet Fluffy and Grubby Dirthand
Pet_Fluffy_One.jpg [ 21.11 KiB | Viewed 1780 times ]
[Fri Jun 19 22:03:03 2009] You say, 'You fight bravely might Flufy'
[Fri Jun 19 22:03:03 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:03:04 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:03:05 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:03:06 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:03:17 2009] You say, 'Put some action into those tiny limbs!'
[Fri Jun 19 22:03:48 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, 'Bite him Fluffy, or I'll make you into shoes'
[Fri Jun 19 22:04:05 2009] You say, 'Those would be some FINE shoes'
[Fri Jun 19 22:04:19 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, '*Hic'
[Fri Jun 19 22:04:25 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:04:25 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:04:25 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:04:25 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:04:26 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:04:26 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:05:29 2009] You say, 'ye feelin' it yet, Pet Fluffy ?'
[Fri Jun 19 22:05:53 2009] Pet_Fluffy growls.
[Fri Jun 19 22:07:06 2009] Grubby_Dirthand falls over without spilling his beer.
[Fri Jun 19 22:07:12 2009] You say, 'Nice catch Grubby'
[Fri Jun 19 22:07:15 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:07:15 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:07:16 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:07:16 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:07:17 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:07:32 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, 'thank you.'
[Fri Jun 19 22:07:47 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, 'Cant be spilling my lifes blood'
[Fri Jun 19 22:07:58 2009] You say, 'Oh, I hear ye on that one'
[Fri Jun 19 22:08:27 2009] You say, 'I'm fortunate to own a fishing rod, obviously devised by Brell himself'
[Fri Jun 19 22:08:35 2009] You say, 'Summons ALE !'
[Fri Jun 19 22:10:22 2009] You say, 'Fluffy be a terribly fine fighter'
[Fri Jun 19 22:10:32 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, 'Fluffy use you're steel trap bite'
[Fri Jun 19 22:12:05 2009] You say, 'Those jaws can be deadly!@'
[Fri Jun 19 22:12:08 2009] Pet_Fluffy hungry.
[Fri Jun 19 22:12:12 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:12:12 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:13:08 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:13:09 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:13:10 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:14:07 2009] You say, 'Did ye hear that Fluffy? a gnoll ...'
[Fri Jun 19 22:14:17 2009] Pet_Fluffy thinks Tanliel is respectfully stinky.
[Fri Jun 19 22:14:21 2009] Velsha says, 'Thank you'
[Fri Jun 19 22:14:21 2009] Grubby_Dirthand sways to the side, then regains his composure.
[Fri Jun 19 22:14:24 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:14:25 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:14:26 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:14:35 2009] Grubby_Dirthand beams a smile at Velsha.
[Fri Jun 19 22:14:46 2009] Glug, glug, glug... Velsha takes a swig of Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:14:46 2009] Glug, glug, glug... Velsha takes a swig of Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:14:47 2009] Glug, glug, glug... Velsha takes a swig of Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:15:01 2009] You say, 'oh ho! Almost had me there'
[Fri Jun 19 22:15:50 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, 'You better start winning fluffy or I'll have you for dinner.'
[Fri Jun 19 22:15:59 2009] You say, 'mmm, basilisk steak!'
[Fri Jun 19 22:16:29 2009] You say, 'Come now ... let me win on my own folks'
[Fri Jun 19 22:16:45 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, 'Beer battered Basilisk sounds better'
[Fri Jun 19 22:16:53 2009] You say, 'This is a straight up fight between Fluffy and meself'
[Fri Jun 19 22:17:06 2009] You say, 'oooh, Beer battered ... nice'
[Fri Jun 19 22:17:13 2009] Pet_Fluffy protects Grubby.
[Fri Jun 19 22:17:16 2009] You say, 'ack! he was bitin' me rump'
[Fri Jun 19 22:17:30 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, 'giggle'
[Fri Jun 19 22:17:58 2009] Velsha says, 'Grubby your pet seems to want to defend you. What did this leezard do to you?'
[Fri Jun 19 22:17:59 2009] You say, 'crafty little devil'
[Fri Jun 19 22:18:10 2009] You say, 'he challenged me!'
[Fri Jun 19 22:18:52 2009] Grubby_Dirthand chomps on Beer-battered Minotaur Meat Jerky
[Fri Jun 19 22:18:53 2009] Velsha says, 'Thank you Grubby'
[Fri Jun 19 22:18:54 2009] Your illusion fades.
[Fri Jun 19 22:19:02 2009] You say, 'mmm, jerky!'
[Fri Jun 19 22:19:05 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, 'Fluffy push into the fire.'
[Fri Jun 19 22:19:35 2009] Pet_Fluffy mmmmm elf.
[Fri Jun 19 22:19:56 2009] You say, 'Half Elf, thank you very much'
[Fri Jun 19 22:20:07 2009] Pet_Fluffy gnaw gnaw gnaw.
[Fri Jun 19 22:20:42 2009] Velsha wonders what the other half is.
[Fri Jun 19 22:20:45 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, 'Wow fluffy I see you scared the elf out of his iksar skin'
[Fri Jun 19 22:20:49 2009] You say, 'ha HA!'
[Fri Jun 19 22:21:18 2009] Tanliel chortles gleefully.
[Fri Jun 19 22:21:35 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, 'Tanliel you shoes are on fire'
[Fri Jun 19 22:21:37 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:21:38 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:21:38 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:21:42 2009] You say, 'eek!'
[Fri Jun 19 22:21:46 2009] Grubby_Dirthand sways to the side, then regains his composure.
[Fri Jun 19 22:21:50 2009] Tanliel deftly dances to put them out.
[Fri Jun 19 22:22:35 2009] Tanliel thinkg Pet Fluffy does have lovely skin...
[Fri Jun 19 22:23:56 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:23:56 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:23:57 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:23:57 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:23:58 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:23:58 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:24:01 2009] You say, 'there ye go Fluffy'
[Fri Jun 19 22:24:17 2009] Pet_Fluffy gnaws.
[Fri Jun 19 22:24:26 2009] You say, 'tasty eh?'
[Fri Jun 19 22:24:59 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, 'Velsha drink with me'
[Fri Jun 19 22:25:09 2009] Glug, glug, glug... Velsha takes a swig of Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:25:16 2009] Glug, glug, glug... Velsha takes a swig of Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:25:17 2009] Glug, glug, glug... Velsha takes a swig of Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:25:18 2009] Glug, glug, glug... Velsha takes a swig of Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:25:18 2009] Glug, glug, glug... Velsha takes a swig of Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:25:20 2009] Glug, glug, glug... Velsha takes a swig of Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:25:20 2009] You say, 'Fluffy, they're drinkin' without us!'
[Fri Jun 19 22:25:20 2009] Glug, glug, glug... Velsha takes a swig of Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:25:26 2009] Glug, glug, glug... Velsha takes a swig of 2x Brewed 2x Stout Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:25:28 2009] Glug, glug, glug... Velsha takes a swig of 2x Brewed 2x Stout Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:25:28 2009] Grubby_Dirthand drinks some 2x Brewed 2x Stout Dwarven Ale
[Fri Jun 19 22:25:30 2009] Pet_Fluffy !
[Fri Jun 19 22:25:32 2009] Glug, glug, glug... Velsha takes a swig of 2x Brewed 2x Stout Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:25:42 2009] You say, 'oh my ... the GOOD stuff too'
File comment: Second of Fluffy and Grubby
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[Fri Jun 19 22:25:56 2009] Velsha could not possibly consume anymore.
[Fri Jun 19 22:26:06 2009] Grubby_Dirthand chomps on Beer Braised Mammoth
[Fri Jun 19 22:26:20 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:26:21 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:26:21 2009] Grubby_Dirthand takes a long swig from his Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:26:34 2009] You say, 'we've gotta do better Fluffy'
[Fri Jun 19 22:26:47 2009] You say, 'there's ALE ridin' on this'
[Fri Jun 19 22:26:59 2009] Grubby_Dirthand yawns and takes a bite from his Beer-battered Minotaur Meat Jerky
[Fri Jun 19 22:27:28 2009] You say, 'You're a tough beast, I'll grant ye that, Fluffy'
[Fri Jun 19 22:27:32 2009] Pet_Fluffy will not be a suitcase today!
[Fri Jun 19 22:27:43 2009] Velsha and Grubby might drink it all before the fight is done.
[Fri Jun 19 22:27:50 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, 'Geez fluffly I thought you'd be a better fighter if I didnt feed you for a week. I guess I been to not feed you for a month next time.'
[Fri Jun 19 22:27:56 2009] You say, 'Grubby, where would ye find such a creature'
[Fri Jun 19 22:28:06 2009] You say, 'much less befriend it?'
[Fri Jun 19 22:28:12 2009] Pet Fluffy says, '!'
[Fri Jun 19 22:29:00 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, 'After a long stink of drinking to Brells honor I woke to find him cuddled up with me.'
[Fri Jun 19 22:29:27 2009] You say, 'Heh, a fine cozy affair, I'm sure!'
[Fri Jun 19 22:29:40 2009] Pet_Fluffy thinks Grubby is stinkiest of them all <3.
[Fri Jun 19 22:30:02 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, 'I believe it was for the smell of dried blood and beer on my tunic'
[Fri Jun 19 22:30:30 2009] Velsha thinks Fluffy is healing.
[Fri Jun 19 22:30:39 2009] Tanliel knows it.
[Fri Jun 19 22:30:53 2009] Grubby_Dirthand thinks Pet Fluffy needs help.
[Fri Jun 19 22:31:12 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, 'but not as much as Tanliel'
[Fri Jun 19 22:31:19 2009] Tanliel thinks Pet Fluffy is holding his own.
[Fri Jun 19 22:31:57 2009] Your Fabled Ball of Golem Clay begins to glow.
[Fri Jun 19 22:32:13 2009] Pet_Fluffy thinks mm extra crunchy.
[Fri Jun 19 22:32:32 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, 'look fluffy you scaring him out of his skin'
[Fri Jun 19 22:32:59 2009] You say, 'grr, tough and crunchy doesn't make me any less appetizing?'
[Fri Jun 19 22:33:31 2009] You say, 'Rawr!'
[Fri Jun 19 22:33:35 2009] You say, 'Rawr!'
[Fri Jun 19 22:33:46 2009] You're not scaring anyone.
[Fri Jun 19 22:33:56 2009] You say, 'Cookin'!'
[Fri Jun 19 22:34:00 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, 'NOOOOO FLUFFY NOT THE FIRE!!!!!!'
[Fri Jun 19 22:34:06 2009] You say, 'oh my'
[Fri Jun 19 22:34:06 2009] Pet_Fluffy bursts into flames.
[Fri Jun 19 22:34:15 2009] You say, 'that's not ... '
[Fri Jun 19 22:34:25 2009] Tanliel hangs his head.
[Fri Jun 19 22:34:38 2009] Grubby_Dirthand Mourns fluffy.
[Fri Jun 19 22:34:48 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, 'you killed him'
[Fri Jun 19 22:34:56 2009] Grubby_Dirthand cries over Tanliel.
[Fri Jun 19 22:35:03 2009] You say, 'Twasn't the way I intended now'
[Fri Jun 19 22:35:15 2009] Grubby_Dirthand promioses to stop drinking.
[Fri Jun 19 22:35:23 2009] You say, 'Lets not be unreasonable!'
[Fri Jun 19 22:35:42 2009] Grubby_Dirthand looks through his bags. My I've been pickpocketed.
[Fri Jun 19 22:35:49 2009] Grubby_Dirthand has offered you a Essence of Basilisk.
[Fri Jun 19 22:35:53 2009] Grubby_Dirthand has offered you a Beer-battered Minotaur Meat Jerky.
[Fri Jun 19 22:36:00 2009] Grubby_Dirthand has offered you a 2x Brewed 2x Stout Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:36:02 2009] Grubby_Dirthand has offered you a Dwarven Ale.
[Fri Jun 19 22:36:08 2009] Grubby_Dirthand has offered you a Beer-battered Minotaur Meat Jerky.
[Fri Jun 19 22:36:19 2009] You thank Grubby Dirthand heartily.
[Fri Jun 19 22:36:32 2009] Velsha grins evilly at Grubby Dirthand.
[Fri Jun 19 22:36:55 2009] You say, 'A well fought battle. I shall remember Fluffy'
[Fri Jun 19 22:37:01 2009] You bow before Grubby Dirthand.
[Fri Jun 19 22:37:34 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, 'I shall speak with the gods and pray they reward you for setting me straight.'
[Fri Jun 19 22:38:02 2009] You say, 'Prayers are always counted among the penitent. G'luck to ye sir'
[Fri Jun 19 22:38:11 2009] Grubby Dirthand says, 'You fought a brave fight. Thank you.'
[Fri Jun 19 22:38:16 2009] Grubby_Dirthand waves goodbye to Tanliel.
[Fri Jun 19 22:38:17 2009] You pat Grubby Dirthand on the back.
[Fri Jun 19 22:38:30 2009] Tanliel winks at Velsha.
[Fri Jun 19 22:38:39 2009] Velsha beams a smile at Tanliel.
[Fri Jun 19 22:38:55 2009] Velsha says, 'It was a good fight. However, I thought Fluffy was going win.'
[Fri Jun 19 22:39:07 2009] You say, 'To be honest, I wasnt sure of the outcome myself'
[Fri Jun 19 22:39:39 2009] You say, 'Good to see a dwarf praying, but giving up ale?'
[Fri Jun 19 22:39:44 2009] Tanliel shudders.
[Fri Jun 19 22:40:02 2009] You say, 'Ah well, all the best to him'
[Fri Jun 19 22:40:10 2009] Velsha says, 'Well dorfs drink. Its just what they so him giving it up...? I don't think so.'
[Fri Jun 19 22:40:39 2009] You say, 'And good luck to you as well, Velsha. Safe hunting.'
[Fri Jun 19 22:41:00 2009] Velsha says, 'Take care.'
A few notes about what occurred during the event. Fluffy and I were in combat the ENTIRE time. Fluffy got down to 65% and health locked, but we kept at it. This was one of the most spontaneous and mostly ignored things I've ever been fortunate enough to participate in. This occurred at the tents in Dragonscale where the gnomes give out quests. People came to the tents, got quests and LEFT, all while we were fighting and bantering and carrying on.