Thanks much to Kahmon and Chak who trained and feigned their way down to kill the Final Arbitor. Of course I was stuck on Kerafym's island, so having Chak
train one ancient onto another ancient's platform just so I could escape and loot was pretty slick

Tan, you'll be glad to know that all Ancients were left up and ready for you. I'd like to join when you go down for your mask...there's a nice
quest for casters that I'd like to do, but requires a scale from each of the 4 Ancients.
I've re-stuck Drex on Kerafym's island to keep fishing and keep a watch out on the Ancients for ya to make sure they stay up til you're ready to kill 'em.
Drexxell ,
71st GNecrOMancEr -- Wielder of (
Druul ,
60th Troll Shaman (
) + Wielder of and
51st Dwarf Priestess of Brell Serilis
36th Erudite Enchantress