Thanks to all who buffed Druul and Denelan last thursday in the Guild Hall. It was
a tremendous success!
Once again, Druul and Denelan head out to hotzone LAKE OF ILL OMEN tonight,
in the attempt to level up hard and fast.
We hereby request any high level folks who see us AFK in the guild lobby and
feel like being generous, please buff away with the highest buffs that'll stick
to a 19th level character. These helped a LOT last time.
Also, anyone who wants to PL with us tonight and is around level 17-22, please
join us tonight. If you're coming, please sit AFK in the guild hall this
afternoon/evening so that folks passing through there have time to buff
you. Also post here so folks know you're needing buffs.
We head to LOIO around 8:15pm Eastern time.
Fingers crossed and thanks for the help!
Drex (Druul)
Drexxell ,
71st GNecrOMancEr -- Wielder of (
Druul ,
60th Troll Shaman (
) + Wielder of and
51st Dwarf Priestess of Brell Serilis
36th Erudite Enchantress