Hit "v" to see the AA window, or open your inventory and click the AA button there.
Veteran AA's are awarded based on active account time - first one after 12 months of active account time.
Regular AA can be earned starting at 51. On the AA window, there is a percentage selector in the upper right - change that once you get to 51 to start putting some of your exp to AA. Some people like to do a small portion (like 10%), I prefer to do all or nothing (0% or 100%) usually.
AA experience is now modified based on your AA total, kind of a "catch up" program". I believe it starts at about 250% or 225% bonus with 0 AAs, and then slowly winds down to 100% (normal) experience at 750AA's. It is quite handy to quickly get the first 150-200 AA's, to be sure.
One thing to note is there is a difference in how exp is calculated between regular EXP and AA exp, and it can have significant impact, and it is something like this: - Regular EXP is based on the CON of the mob to you - Regular EXP is based on the CON of the mob to the highest character in the group What does this mean? If the level range of the group is similar/close, then it doesn't matter. But a level 65 grouping with a level 80, it will generally be better for the 65 to do regular EXP than to do AA exp. For instance, if the mob is light blue to the 80, and red to the 65, the level 65 player would earn Red con experience for Regular Exp, but only Light Blue con exp for AA exp. Hope that makes sense.