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Wayfarers of Veeshan • View topic - Epidemic of poor druids

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 Post subject: Epidemic of poor druids
PostPosted: Mon Oct 28, 2002 5:53 am 
Sky Captain / Officer
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Although nowhere near level 60, I loaded Planes of Power yesterday with no real understanding of the changes I would gain from the load. I'm sure I was the last to figure this out, but access to the Plane of Knowledge is the REAL boon to PoP...levels 61-65 be darned.

Just because there might be one other poor sap out there, besides me, who didn't know...the PoK connects to every city in the game (at a location far from the guards, so anyone can get from city to city by stepping through the PoK without KOS issues). The PoK is a peaceful place itself, with some guards and librarians and merchants and trainers. But I am not sure any of them are attackable or will attack you. As a necro, I'm used to being a little shunned. That didn't happen here.

In addition to city access, you get The Nexus, The Overthere, The Great Divide and a few other non-cityish spots, plus access to The Plane of Tranquility (which leads to other planes where you will actually find mobs).

Ok, so I sound like an advertisement for Sony, but since my first character as a human monk in Freeport looking for a safe (if not fast) way to Qeynos, I was frustrated that the two cities were always impossible to travel between until well over 10th level (and even then, with SoW and inviso usually through Kithicor). It's nice to see that Sony has made travel very easy. I'm sorry to all the druids that will see this cut into their profits though.

Consider, however, how nice it'll be for newbies (remember when you were one?) to meet their friends in distant places. A first level dwarven warrior, a first level erudite enchanter, and a first level high elven cleric can all hunt as a group in the Freeport newbie zone. Choosing to play with your friends who don't want to play the same race as you will no longer be a problem.

Drexxell , 71st GNecrOMancEr -- Wielder of ()
Druul , 60th Troll Shaman () + Wielder of and
Driss, 51st Dwarf Priestess of Brell Serilis
Dralia, 36th Erudite Enchantress


 Post subject: portage
PostPosted: Mon Oct 28, 2002 1:05 pm 
The best porting dollars are out of places like.. SEB, Chardok... so really no big thing to me =)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Oct 28, 2002 1:14 pm 
He posts!!!! Allways amaized to see it.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 28, 2002 1:52 pm 
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Xandamir - 57th level Templar (Ranger Rezzor)
Perisai Troublemaker - 56th level Sacrificial OUTRIDER
Pulkaria - 54th level Beastlord (Furry Ranger)
Nealyn Prae - 43rd level Druid (Ranger Wannabe)
Calithe - 47th level bardling (Never wanted to be a ranger)
Nessah - 37th Level Ranger Mezzer

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Oct 28, 2002 2:05 pm 

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 28, 2002 4:00 pm 
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the female of the species
Deadlier Thanthemale

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 28, 2002 4:05 pm 
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 28, 2002 4:31 pm 

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 28, 2002 5:16 pm 

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 Post subject: PoK
PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2002 10:15 pm 
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I was picking up some SoW potions from Arr and saw a 1st Lvl Ogre SK going to Everfrost to hunt. I did not tell her this was a bad idea, although maybe should have. PoK is worth it for the travel, and raid function. Think about it, there is no more limit to the size of groups using the raid window. You wont get the bonus but noone with PoK has to hunt on outside anymore.


Don't think of it as being vastly outnumbered.
Think of it as having a very wide target selection.

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