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Wayfarers of Veeshan • View topic - Naggy/Vox Rematch

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 Post subject: Naggy/Vox Rematch
PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 5:49 am 
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Joined: Thu Jun 27, 2002 5:59 am
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Ok time for a rematch.

I would like to schedule a raid next Monday, August 14th. Time 7pm Central, to try and take down Naggy or Vox. Saamson needs the books for his paladin epic and of course there's the fun of beating down some old school dragons.

Level restriction: No character over lvl 52 can engage the dragon or is sent away to just outside the zone. Folks over 52 can certainly help clear to the dragon and give the raid some nice buffs. Shrouds can be used, those over 52 can shroud down and join in the fun. I've never been on a shroud raid, but from what I've heard we will need good numbers to pull this off with shrouds vs well equipped folks under the cap.

This should give us time to twink er I mean level those dragon hunting toons just a bit more. I'd like to have as close to 20 folks as possible for this, especially if we hit Vox. If Mal can check for us closer to raid day and see which of them is up we'll decided the target then.

If we hit Naggy our strategy will be a bit different. Either we will try to pull some or all of the giants out of Naggy's room with a FD puller (if we have one), or have designated tank(s)/healer(s) to fight them, or something along these lines. Maybe I can find an old strategy guide for these before then.

If you know of anyone with a 45 to 52 tank let them know, the more the better.


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PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:13 am 
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Sounds like fun Dorann. By the looks of it, I should be able to attend since it's on a Monday :grin:

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 7:02 am 
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Well Naggy 2 Wayfarers 0 :?

The good news is I though we did a fantastic job considering our "raid" was 10 strong. A big thanks to Tanliel for helping with the giant pulls. We did great job on them and took down several named.

I'm going to schedule another attempt for the last week of august. If anyone can lend a hand I'd like to do a poll if anyone can help me set one up, to see which would work best Friday Sept 1, Saturday 2cnd, Sunday 3rd, or Monday the 4th in the evening at around 7pm. I'm aiming for at least 3 groups to pull this off and I know we can put that many together.

Between now and the next attempt I will be checking out a method of pulling the giants from Naggy's room with a lvl 70 pet class. If this works we may be able to attempt Naggy with less than 3 groups, but I'd really like to see a big turnout. As always 52 or lower for the dragon fight and shrouds are welcome.


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PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 9:20 am 
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Next time we try I'll bring Mal and use my warder, will choose a low level one, and try to pull the giants out.


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