You know you're a veteran EQ player:
When getting to FP from BB meant a 30 min boat ride
If you've ever paid for a char transfer OR have hidden items for a transfer
If you've ever went LD zoning into NFP
If you've ever sold anything behind Jade's
If EQ made you more interested to see LOTR and not the other way around
If you've ever shouted stats on an item or asked if your HIE CLR can use
When dinging 50 didnt mean 15 more lvls
When clarity was cast by a high lvl chanter
When a monk with 2 Blackjacks was uber
When you could make patterns on the ground with your copper
If you've ever taken 2 lvls to save up for your first bag
If you considered banded armor as uber
If you've ever gotten your surname in LOIO and then kicked yourself the next day because you thought of a better one, then considered marriage to change it
If you've ever not known whats going on because you were staring at your spellbook to meditate
If you've ever been required to pay 100pp or more for KEI that could be cast on any lvl
When traveling to Luclin required a Portal Fragment
When you had to practice sense heading or made a dwarf because they started with 50 in that skill
If you've ever paid a noob Dark Elf to buy your Enchant Metal spells in Neriak
If you've ever accepted a no-exp rez to avoid the hour long trip back to your body
If you've ever paid for a bind
If you've ever had all 8 bank slots full of tradeskill items
When having to pull a bag out of the bank just to see whats in it
When GMing a tradeskill meant holding down CTRL and clicking 6-10 times per combine
If you've ever camped giants just to get an uber Forest Loop
Thanks to Mysterrie for helping me compile this list...Please add more if you can think of any