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Wayfarers of Veeshan • View topic - TGIH begins... AGAIN

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 Post subject: TGIH begins... AGAIN
PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 9:08 am 
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Joined: Tue Jun 25, 2002 11:39 am
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*scene: Xandamir is sitting in her room at the Abbey in Felwithe looking through her adventuring equipment*

“Hmmmmm”… she thinks to herself. “Some of this is looking kinda shabby and well used.” She glances over at the Fine antique velvet rose, lying on the bed. She picks it up, turning it over in her hand and looking at the fine lines in the soft petals. “looks like it might be time to replace you hun.” She says outloud. She sighs and goes to the small table where a book titled Rewards for Good Deeds: The Mines Of Nurga – Help Free The Slaves. She re-reads the passage from a former Cenobite slave named Pakclaw. This cute little badger looking fellow, is reputed to be willing to give a chalice to anyone who can help him exact revenge on the goblins that held him captive in the mines of Nurga. The chalice would be much sturdier than the poor wilting rose.

She looks critically at her dented and dull Velium Etched Helm. “That poor helmet has seen better days” she thinks. Looks like another former slave is willing to give a much better head covering than that velium helm she is wearing. “The Hideous Coif of Woe…..not really sure if I want to wear something with that title,” she muses. But then again, it is JUST a name.

She then turns to her acrylia studded cloak. “It will be hard to part with this” she thinks. “After all Kahmon made it for me and I really miss that scaley craftsman”. But this Silken Cape of Exploration… it’s supposed to have healing properties as well as other benefits. That is also from the mines. I know there are things there that all 3 boys can use if they want them.

She shuts the book with a snap and stands up. As she does so a small scrap of paper falls out. Scrawled in Drexx’s spidery script are the words…PUREBLOOD SPELL…. Ya want it? She makes a mental note. We need that spell. That is a wonderful spell and it is a quest from the Gulf of Gunthak.

Looks like it’s time to get the boys to look over their items, sift through them, see what they want and get another Great Item Hunt Going. I am sure they won’t mind.

Xandamir - 57th level Templar (Ranger Rezzor)
Perisai Troublemaker - 56th level Sacrificial OUTRIDER
Pulkaria - 54th level Beastlord (Furry Ranger)
Nealyn Prae - 43rd level Druid (Ranger Wannabe)
Calithe - 47th level bardling (Never wanted to be a ranger)
Nessah - 37th Level Ranger Mezzer

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PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2004 5:59 am 
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<Zoom in on Xandamir, Thunderhart, Talinoth and Drexxell sitting in a private room discussing something of great importance....>

Thunderhart: ...it's my damage output...I can't even keep up with Drexxell's pet, it's embarassing!

<everyone nods, feeling the seriousness of the situation>

Xandamir: I think it's clear that we have to do 2 things for you Thunder...we need to magically increase your attack speed, and improve your weapons.

<everyone begins looking over the books and scrolls strewn across the room, frantically searching for answers to the question of how to make a Warrior a true damage outputting machine...>

Talinoth <ticking off a list of ideas>: We can't hire an Enchanter, he can't turn into a werewolf...he needs something that can be turned on and will compliment his Silver Chitin Handwraps...

Drexxell <looking up from a book>: I think our only choice is that for this Great Item Hunt, we'll need a little help from the guild...The Eyepatch of Plunder is Thunder's best bet for a self-activated magic haste, but we'll need help with taking down that turtle in Iceclad.

Xandamir: I think it's worth swallowing our pride a little, to get Thunder an item that will be so helpful.

<all nodding>

Talinoth: Ok, so of the other items, looks like Xandamir hit the jackpot with the items from The Mines Of Nurga – Help Free The Slaves. But I still need an Enduring Breath item too...

Drexxell: And I need to upgrade these slippers I got at level 8...it's a bit embarassing...

<all frantically scribbling down their "wishes" then...and passing them around, looking over each other's desires, nodding heads.....>

Xandamir: So, like and , we're committed to The Great Item Hunt of 2004 it would seem.

Talinoth: Let's remind the guild that everyone and anyone is welcome to come along these next few weeks as we attempt to have a perfect record on item acquisition...

<all nodding>

Drexxell: Looks like we have a nice . Now all we need is a plan.

<Xandamir, Talinoth and Thunderhart all point at Drexxell...who rolls his eyes, and grumbles...going off to a corner to write "the plan">

Drexxell , 71st GNecrOMancEr -- Wielder of ()
Druul , 60th Troll Shaman () + Wielder of and
Driss, 51st Dwarf Priestess of Brell Serilis
Dralia, 36th Erudite Enchantress


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed May 26, 2004 6:48 am 
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<Sitting next to the wall in PoK, Allegretta reads over the list with growing interest, becoming more animated as she sees something she could actually help with.

She dips her quill into the inkpot and begins to print on a large parchment scroll. Pausing to read over what she has written, she nods to herself and trots down the hill to the small bank. After speaking with Amile Pitt and receiving her permission, she posts the following sign by the friendly merchant:>

Attention Xanda & Co:
I hereby volunteer, if circumstances permit, to answer a call to arms when Lodizal is sighted. I also will try to secure assistance for this worthy adventure.

Your humble servant of Tunare,

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 9:57 am 
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<Before continuing the saga, I've finally finished "the plan" and thought I'd post it here...>


Drexxell , 71st GNecrOMancEr -- Wielder of ()
Druul , 60th Troll Shaman () + Wielder of and
Driss, 51st Dwarf Priestess of Brell Serilis
Dralia, 36th Erudite Enchantress


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 12:02 pm 
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 4:30 pm 
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I think Tanliel's mule (research critter) has the stuff to make the Improved Sup Cammo Spell Drexx.......

Xandamir - 57th level Templar (Ranger Rezzor)
Perisai Troublemaker - 56th level Sacrificial OUTRIDER
Pulkaria - 54th level Beastlord (Furry Ranger)
Nealyn Prae - 43rd level Druid (Ranger Wannabe)
Calithe - 47th level bardling (Never wanted to be a ranger)
Nessah - 37th Level Ranger Mezzer

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 4:51 pm 

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Psst, that's marked DONE Peri ...

Oh and here's info from the bazaar today:
Death Mark of Nurga x 6 = 720p per (one in baz)
Silver Bracelet of Crizz x 2 = 720p per (one in baz)

Bone Collar of Henxsa BOUGHT

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 5:37 pm 
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Poor Nealyn..been so out of touch she wasn't along for either of our 2 completions yet :( :( :(

Hoping to see you in game more, girly girl.

And Tan, thanks for the look out. I almost always see the Nurga items for 500+ but have, so far, picked up 4 of the pieces for under 200 each (there's always a few suckers who don't know what they are selling).


Drexxell , 71st GNecrOMancEr -- Wielder of ()
Druul , 60th Troll Shaman () + Wielder of and
Driss, 51st Dwarf Priestess of Brell Serilis
Dralia, 36th Erudite Enchantress


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 7:25 pm 
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Xandamir - 57th level Templar (Ranger Rezzor)
Perisai Troublemaker - 56th level Sacrificial OUTRIDER
Pulkaria - 54th level Beastlord (Furry Ranger)
Nealyn Prae - 43rd level Druid (Ranger Wannabe)
Calithe - 47th level bardling (Never wanted to be a ranger)
Nessah - 37th Level Ranger Mezzer

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 6:02 am 
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<fade in on Thunderhart, Talinoth and Drexxell shivering in the cold wastes of the Great Divide...staring at an imposing cave mouth, out of which a river flows. The occasional Wurm going in or out of the cave adds to its imposing nature.>

<b>Talinoth:</b> They are called Crystalline Shardwurms....they are revered amongst all other Wurms of this region because of their deep knowledge of spells. And they live in <i>there</i>.

<all nodding...watching the occasional small wurm roam in or out of the cave mouth>

<b>Thunderhart:</b> And you say you've been in there to scout it out?

<b>Talinoth:</b> Aye. And I've been in their chamber, camoflaged of course...ironic, actually, since I had to use my somewhat unreliable Superior Camoflage to scout on the very Wurms that hold the secret to <i>Improved </i> Superior Camoflage.

<all three begin making preparations for the coming fight, with more than one grumble and wishful thought that our queenbee Xandamir, were here to back up this foolish venture. With blades sharp and spells at the tips of our tongues, Talinoth covers us with a camoflage of snow and ice and we enter the stinking wurm lair....a short tunnel, roamed by elder and even ancient wurms...twisting and turning...until we arrive. There can be no doubt about it, this is the grand cave of Crystalline Shardwurms...six of them...each one lazing in its own corner of the room, poring over ancient spell tomes, ignoring one another, sometimes muttering to themselves some dweomer in a lost tongue...it would look like the scene of a library, if the patrons weren't 50 foot tall monstrosities built for death>

<Thunderhart takes a deep breath and with a silent prayer to his god, leaps out from his camoflage and drives both of his swords deep into the throat of the nearest wurm. Drexxell calls upon the bones of the dead littering the floor and animates them into a slavepet which falls upon the Wurm with undying vengence. The Shardwurm bellows out a roar (which doesn't even stir the other Wurms in the room) and snaps its jaws of icy teeth upon the shoulder of Thunderhart. Talinoth soon finds himself quite busy calling upon Tunare to heal the wounds of our valiant friend. In time, however, the Shardwurm falls to the floor, and the scroll it was studying is picked up by Talinoth>

<b>Talinoth: </b> "Improved Invisibility". Well, this is the right school of magic, but not quite what I needed....obviously we'll need to search harder.

<Thunderhart wipes the gore from his blade, ready to "search" some more, and with little hesitation, pulls his bow out and lays 3 arrows into the next Wurm before it even knows it is under attack. A scene of death and destruction ensues...Wurm after Wurm falls to the berserk rage of the Warrior and the from-the-grave vengence of previously-dead Wurm victims. Spell after spell is found...and finally...hours later, with a pile of Wurm carcasses rivaling the Dragon Necropolis, Talinoth bends down, wipes the sweat from his face, and examines the latest scroll to enter our hands.>

<b>Talinoth: </b> Finally...finally....I wondered if these brutes could appreciate the subtle magics of a Druid, but it appears I underestimated their knowledge. But Wurms are no Druids, and this spell will be much more useful in the hands of one who knows how to properly use it.

<with that, Talinoth smiles and shows us his scroll.>

was underway...and 1 for 1 of .

Drexxell , 71st GNecrOMancEr -- Wielder of ()
Druul , 60th Troll Shaman () + Wielder of and
Driss, 51st Dwarf Priestess of Brell Serilis
Dralia, 36th Erudite Enchantress


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 8:21 am 
Wayfarer of Veeshan
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I spend 90% of my time in the mines send me a tell be happy to assist ya :wink:

Laldaas Arrowsligger "Retired" 62nd Season
People knew him as the "Mighty Ranger"
"Never Give Up"

What happens if I take both the red and the blue pill at the same time?

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 9:50 am 
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<fade in on the southern shore of the Stonebrunt Mountain range...a small camp of rag-tag sailors....Drexxell is deep in discussion with Cedric Trallus, a pirate of no small fame, particularly for his ability to lay his hands on rare spells>

<b>Drexxell:</b> I thank you for the Auspice spell, Cedric. Killing luggalds was no small feat, but it was worth it for that useful legerdmain. What about that Comatose spell you had mentioned then?

<b>Cedric Trallus:</b> I'm not put on Norrath to just give my spells away, Drexxell. Knowledge for knowledge is how I trade. And deeper knowledge of Luggalds is what I crave. It seems an aspect of the luggald's system is acidic in nature. Perhaps we have yet to find the secret of their comatose state. I'll need more samples to continue my research. This time bring me purified samples of their bile, blood, and saliva and I will study them.

<Drexxell grumbles but pulls out his map of Dulak's harbor, and the secret tunnels of the Luggalds, studying it, especially the rooms past the bridge-sketch marked "unexplored">

<fade in to the main lounge of the Wayfarers of Veeshan guildhall...a huge darkwood panelled room with a fire raging in the fireplace and large comfortable chairs and tables arrayed around the room...a fully stocked bar in one corner, and books and scrolls along firm shelving covering one whole wall. Drexxell, Thunderhart, Talinoth and Xandamir are studying the Luggald map intently, planning for that night's foray into their sinister underworld domain....other Wayfarers enter, returning from this adventure or that...Tanliel, Cintarra, Minardil, Jonez, Veloquin, Zhanna and others come over to peer at the map...soon it becomes a full roundtable and interest grows in many hearts to lay waste to the scourge of Dulak. "Just let me know, and I'll join you" is heard from many a brother and sister of ours>

<time lapse view....day after day the same scene occurs...Drexxell, joined by Thunderhart, Talinoth, Xandamir and any other available Wayfarers meet at the lighthouse of Gunthak, and a full out sprint through the Gulf to Dulak and deep into the tunnels begins...the first few times it is tentative steps....slow progress....gaining comfort in slaying the more powerful Luggalds that lie deep in their lair....the first bridge crossing occurs! A resounding "HUZZAH!" as we face down multiple luggalds on the bridge...Thunderhart's blades whizzing hastily, spells flying...and finally Luggald bodies are dropped off the bridge to a precipice below>

<more nights...more fighting...getting across the bridge seems like little more than part of the sprint itself...and soon it is little trouble for Wayfarers to get to "the big room" after the bridge......and then, it happens....the most pure form of Luggald Bile is found! Drexxell, ever careful, extracts the bile gland from a luggald, and night after night we return to the same room...until a particularly healthy specimen is found with the purest form of Luggald Blood! HUZZAH! >

<time lapse....depression sets in...a week of hunts passes....Wayfarers of all sorts join here and there...we return again and again to "the big room" but never does a Luggald with a saliva gland appear. And soon, it appears, the Wayfarers will need to look even deeper in the caves. On one particularly dark and stormy night, a group of 5 Wayfarers fights their way into Luggald territory...Veloquin proving his capabilities as only a Shadowknight can, while Zhanna practices the rogue's skill of backstabbing...Minardil keeping everyone well healed....Drexxell and Talinoth glad for such able company...but as we head deeper, we feel the pressure...the deepest Luggald caves hold their leaders, and they do not give up the ghost easily. It looks grim as we bypass the big room, heading for the deepest caves...grime covers them...sweat pours from their brows...doubt fills their eyes when suddenly the clear, sweet song of a Bard is heard rushing up from behind them. Tanliel has arrived, refreshed and ready to help! Spirits raised, the full group of 6 tightens their belts and heads to the deepest of Luggald caves...close calls occur...4 Luggalds leap from the shadows and attack at the same time! A furious battle takes place, and were it not for the charms of the bard, we surely would have fallen. Yet the Wayfarers are victorious and they enter the very deepest lair of Luggalds. A camp is set up...and Veloquin lures them, one by one, luggald upon luggald, back to camp for their ultimate doom....and then it happens...a particularly loathesome luggald falls to our combat skills, and upon examining his bloated face, Drexxell discovers saliva glands, full of Luggald Saliva!....tears of joy....sighs of relief...Talinoth takes our tired group home....>

<fade back to Stonebrunt...Drexxell, now cleaned up and healthy, hands to Cedric Trallus 3 vials...and Cedric hands to Drexxell a glowing blue potion>

<b>Drexxell:</b> What's this? I thought you said you'd give me a spell?

<b>Cedric Trallus:</b> And so I shall....and so I shall! But first, invigorate yourself with this potion, my friend.

<Drexxell warily downs the potion...and begins to choke and gasp in pain....POISON! He is nearly knocked unconscious.....until the secondary magic of the potion causes a scroll to appear at Drexxell's feet, even as he falls to the ground>

<Drexxell picks up the scroll...finally...the !>

<b>Drexxell:</b> I'm never trusting you again, Cedric.

<b>Cedric Trallus:</b> We shall see, little man, we shall see.

was now 2 for 2 of .

Drexxell , 71st GNecrOMancEr -- Wielder of ()
Druul , 60th Troll Shaman () + Wielder of and
Driss, 51st Dwarf Priestess of Brell Serilis
Dralia, 36th Erudite Enchantress


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PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 10:01 am 
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A small note about the Luggald Flesh that so many of us looted during these forays into the Luggald caves. They are part of a quest for either this caster-or-monk-only Regeneration ring:

or this tank/hybrid-type piercer:

To complete the quest you need 3 "Fecund Luggald Flesh" as well, which drop in Nadox off of 50-55 level mobs, and then a single kill of a 60th level triggered spawn in Toxxulia.


Drexxell , 71st GNecrOMancEr -- Wielder of ()
Druul , 60th Troll Shaman () + Wielder of and
Driss, 51st Dwarf Priestess of Brell Serilis
Dralia, 36th Erudite Enchantress


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PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 2:13 pm 
Friend of WoV
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Joined: Wed May 28, 2003 8:30 pm
Posts: 642
Mordredd and I have done that Ring quest .. it's pretty fun once you've completed the farming.

-- Mindbender Llaffer Outloud
<select name=Skills>
<option>78 past 1750 :)
<option>272 from 2100
<option>Alcohol Tolerance:200

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:07 am 
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<Fade in on the Wayfarers of Veeshan guildhall..main lounge...evening....a few brothers and sisters are relaxing...gaming, drinking, reading, talking....Drexxell is sipping a thick, red liquid which leaves his lips stained eerily...he is mumbling something...

<b>Drexxell (quietly):</b>It is by will alone that I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of sapho that thoughts aquire speed. The lips aquire stain, the stain becomes a warning, it is by will alone I set my mind in motion.

<A hunched over weasely looking wormtongue of a creature enters, bearing a sealed letter....Drexxell takes the letter and dismisses the weasly creature with a wave..."be gone, Attrael...back to your hole". Drex takes the letter and reads it>

<i>To Drexxell, Wayfarer of Veeshan, well met!,
It has come to our attention of your recent efforts to erradicate the scourge of Broken Skull Island at Dulak's Harbor. These efforts and their political implications have prompted us to request your help. Having suffered from the pirates of Broken Skull Island for years now, we seek retribution and vengence. It is the concensus of our council of Elders that the removal of leaders of these brigands will send a message. As such we respectfully request your aide in seeking out the Harbor Town of the Gulf of Gunthak and delivering our message to Warmaster Mragoc.
The Erudin Council of Elders
P.S. It is our understanding that Mragoc wears a pair of footwear that might interest you</i>

<b>Talinoth (looking over Drexxell's shoulder):</b> I'm in

<b>Xandamir:</b> Me too!

<Tanliel walks in from a recent adventure>

<b>Tanliel:</b> Whatever it is, I'm in too :)

<Eyes turn toward Thunderhart who is lying on a couch, looking a very "sasser.wurm" shade of green>

<b>Thunderhart:</b> (cough, cough)..can't go...got a nasty virus...

<Drex, Xanda, Tali and Tanliel head out to prepare, with promises to meet at the lighthouse soon...fade out...>

<fade in on the intrepid four running with through Gunthak under cover of Bardsong>

<b>Drexxell:</b> It's going to be weird <i>stopping</i> at Harbor Town. I'm so used to pulling a train of mobs <i>through</i> it.

<b>Xandamir:</b> We should remember that....

<The four reach Harbor Town and have only just begun to prepare for the coming battle when "TRAIN TO DULAK" is shouted nearby as a small gnome rushes past us, followed by a dozen Drogmars, Luggalds, Lotuses and Trolls>

<b>Talinoth:</b> Well...that will certainly keep us on our toes

<Tanliel strums his harp in preparation, and sets off to scout for the Warmaster's hut...time and again he returns with this pirate or that, sometimes even a stray wild boar....each time gaining more and more intelligence on the comings and goings of this pirate town, interrupted every 15 minutes or so by "TRAIN TO DULAK" and the requisite "stepping aside" to let some poor sap or two rush by, followed by half the mobs in the zone>

<b>Drexxell:</b> y'know...that looks pretty foolish....I'm ashamed at how many times <i>we've</i> done that.

<the day goes on...Xandamir is called away on an errand, but Drex, Tan and Tali decide to keep trying...just a little longer...>

<b>Tanliel:</b> I'm INCOMING with

<Drex and Tali shrug, looking at each other, as Tanliel comes round the corner with the <i>ugliest</i> boar we've ever seen. As it begins tearing into Tanliel, we unleash our reserves of magic...the squealing is unbearable, but soon becomes a whimper...and then silence.

Talinoth, ever the vain one, cuts the largest tusk from the boar and fashions from it. >

<b>Talinoth:</b> Hey, what do ya all think?

<b>Drex and Tan:</b> Um, looks great, considering you've got a bloody pig's tooth hanging off your face.

<Before Talinoth can retort, a bellow is heard in a nearby hut: "You'll do it because I say so, and what Warmaster Mragoc says, is law, you scum!">

<Three smiles all around, as Tanliel decides to go "convince" the Warmaster to "chat" with us....he is a tall brute...bigger than an average troll....As he spots Tanliel, he roars in anger and rushes at him...stopping short when he sees Talinoth and Drexxell around the bend, spells on their fingertips. Fear grows in his eyes, but he knows he is committed to this fight, and lays on with great strength, battering Tanliel in an attempt to get past him and stop Tali and Drex from casting their spells upon him. He fights dirty, as expected from a pirate, and so had no honor in his death.

<Drexxell writes "mission accomplished" on a parchment, wipes a bit of Mragoc's blood on it, and addresses the letter to Erudin. He then bends down and slips the sandals off of the troll's feet, and onto his own...they magically resize themselves>

<b>Drexxell:</b> Not bad for a pair of

was now 3 for 3 of .

Drexxell , 71st GNecrOMancEr -- Wielder of ()
Druul , 60th Troll Shaman () + Wielder of and
Driss, 51st Dwarf Priestess of Brell Serilis
Dralia, 36th Erudite Enchantress


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