After Venerable Beinbrecher arrived in Timerous Deep, he went to a small Oasis inside an Mountain on an Island surounded by a huge Wall. There he visited Omat Vastsea a Member of the Triumvirate to give him the Heart of Zordak Ragefire, so the seers can find out what he had planned. Omat gave Beinbrecher then an Orb of Vapor and told him to visit Jhassad Oceanson and give him the 3 Orbs. So Beinbrecher went down to the Beach and gave Jhassad the 3 Orbs.
Then Jhassad Oceanson placed the three orbs into a large abalone shell bowl. A blue glow surrounded his hands as he waved them over the orbs resting in the bowl. The orbs cracked and fell apart, released their contents, then reformed into a single glowing orb. Jhassad Oceanson gently removed the Orb of the Triumvirate and placed it in Beinbrecher's hands and said "The Avatar of Water approaches. You must hand him the Orb of the Triumvirate and it will be decided if it is your destiny to wield the Nem Ankh Sprinkler"
So Beinbrecher waited, and waited, and waited. While waiting it began to Rain. Suddenly a Huge Elementel, the Avatar of Water, walked out of the Water and moved to Jhassad where it stoped. Then Beinbrecher handed the Orb of the Triumvirate to the Avatar and received the Water Sprinkler of Nem Ankh.