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Wayfarers of Veeshan • View topic - MONDAY MONDAY MONDAY in Umbral Planes!

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 6:55 pm 
Former Guild Leader / Elder
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Idea here is to clear a lot of the zone, kill as many named mobs as we can, and pick up some gear and drops.

Meeting in PoK at the Nexus Stone at 6pm CST


70 Bard, at your service
Elder, Wayfarer of Veeshan

Also, , , Irodanise (52 Pal), Irodanes (31 Rog), Iroardanis (19 BL), Sinadori (25 SK), Dreminal (32 Dru)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 7:19 pm 
Wayfarer of Veeshan

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will try to make the hunt :P

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 8:52 pm 

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It will probably be sometime later, but I'll do my best to be there. I've wanted to down some of the big mobs in UP, like Rumblecrush. Maybe we'll get lucky and have a shot.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 10:28 am 
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 9:07 pm 
Friend of WoV
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One junior tank will be there at your service

~~ Nytanna....LVL 65 Dark Elf Warrior Princess~~
~~ Nytjade.....LVL 63 Dark Elf Cleric ~~
~~ Nytozz.......LVL 31 Dark Elf Rogue ~~
~~ Nytassasinz ..LVL 19 Drakkin Rogue ~~

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2004 8:16 am 
Former Guild Leader / Elder
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This went pretty well. We spent 3 hours slaughtering all the mobs we could in zone when we finally noticed a named mob spawn inside one of the two caves.

I think we were down to 9 people when we entered the cave and fought our way to the mob. We killed him and were very dissapointed that there was ZERO LOOT! ack! Checking tracking though, it was noticed that his Spirit had spawned back at his spawn point :) . After a good long fight with the spirit, we ended up with some really decent loot.

and other items were gained on this hunt.


70 Bard, at your service
Elder, Wayfarer of Veeshan

Also, , , Irodanise (52 Pal), Irodanes (31 Rog), Iroardanis (19 BL), Sinadori (25 SK), Dreminal (32 Dru)

 Post subject: Rod of Virtue
PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2004 1:06 am 

Joined: Tue May 11, 2004 9:20 pm
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I got this for Hernus off of Doomshade.....He drops it pretty often and is about as good a weapon a shaman can carry with the exception of his/her epic and the upper level planes drops....from what I understand he drops it almost everytime too....Mind you Doomshade is no slouch....

Hernus "Wishes she had a sponsor" McHertz

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