For those of you that didn't know, I was a Guide for about 6 months. It gets extremely frustrating, not sure how some of those guys can take it for so long.
Yes, the GM's (not Guides) can reimburse items. They check log files, see if you had the item, see if there has been a glitch, and if it looks good they will give you a new one. The best way to move the process along is to make accurate notes of what happened, where (zone, and even loc if you can), and WHEN. The logs are big, and if you can make it easy for a GM to find the incident for you you're more likely to get a response.
Be polite, helpful, and informative. If you make it a pleasant experience for the Guide taking the petition and the GM fixing the problem they are more likely to help you. While guiding I certainly didn't go out of my way to help folks who were rude or abusive. But for someone who was polite I'd make sure to keep tabs on the situation, and bug the GM's directly to get things fixed.
Guides have very limited powers. They can summon stuck corpses, give rezzes to people who died due to verified server problems (they have to have permission), and reset stuck NPC's using a couple of methods. Their main job is to watch, sort petitions, and ask a lot of questions so that they can tell the GM's what needs doing and in what order.
Sadly, there are no dedicated server GM's anymore. My personal theory is the best of them got pulled off to work on SWG, or maybe EQ2. What you have now is a small team of GM's assigned to a group of servers. They prioritize their work by the number of "red" petitions, and go to the server with the highest count. Usually they will stay on one server till all the reds are clear, and of course reds are building up on another server at the time... which, of course, means it might take them days to get around to any given server. The better the guides on a server (and Veeshan has some good ones) the less time a GM will spend their. Patience is the key. That, and repetioning or emailing the GM's.
So, write down all the details you can think of, no matter how small. Be polite. No matter how frustrated you are I can guarantee the Guide is more frustrated, since there is so little he can do himself. And be patient, but persistent.
Epic Lord Protector of Marr
Knight of Truth
Steel Warrior
Ranger of Seru
Slightly Waterlogged Wizard