I trumpet has sounded from the depths of the forgotten realms of a cold a desolate land. A roaring can be heard for miles around. The crash of steel, The flash of magic, the Cracking of wood, and the groans and squeals of pain.
Raid raid raid.
When: Saturday August 9th at 1pm CST, 11 am MST, 11 am PST, 2 pm EST.
Goal:Adventure, Loot, and Learning
Requirements: Level 55+ with Fire Resist over 100 unbuffed, Cold resist over 100 Unbuffed, Magic resist over 100 unbuffed. Claws of veeshan Faction of DUBIOUS or GREATER
What to bring: Your resist gear and the higher the better. Most of all Patience!
This may be my last raid in TOV from a COV faction stand point.
I would also like to start a group or group(S) of people interest in attaining higher end gaming. This will include POJ trails, Zanamech, and the Like but first for baby steps to get those groups to start doing things together regularly. Whether it be TOV, POV, POS, BOT, HOH, SSRA or Griegs End, Whatever it is. If you are interested in this please let me know. Via tells, PM, Emails
I plan this raid to be about 3 hours from start to finish...If people want to stay longer we can but 3 hours is the plan!
Thank you in advance for your support.
P.S. Those that know that they can be there please contact me through this message board or through Tells...I want to setup group leaders before we arrive...Have plans in actions once we do arrive. and begin immediately. Late comers will be welcome as long as there are groups available.