Hi there! I am Senila Toymaker Current Guildmistress of the Reformed Makers of Myth. :D Sorry it has taken me so long to post here but real life has taken a front seat lately. (chasing two kids kinda wears ya down

Anyways we are a small guild at the moment but we are expanding.. slowly by choice. We want to make sure we have quality members not quantinty of members. We love to be together even if it is just in guild chat. We always have a great time. Character deaths is sometimes the topic of much giggling and laughter. :D Sometimes we get into groups just for the sake of being together. Not for loot or for experience. Kelno has been alot of fun to group with and he keeps me personally almost in tears. I am also familiar with another guild of alliance with you, The Honorable Knights.
*takes a deep breath* sorry I tend to be long winded some times

I will get to the point.
I have been told that our guilds are very compatable in ideals and would like to propose an alliance. I would like to arrange a meeting between Gms. If anyone would like to take a look our web page is
We are having another raid and a meeting August 10th I hope some of you can make it.
Ok I will shut up now.