Last night was our 2nd night in Dalnir, and in many ways it reminds me strongly of how we tackled Solusek A, where we spent some 8-10 hunts looking for 3 items in TGIH02. Similarly, in Dalnir, we are learning our way around, learning the mobs, getting more "comfortable" (this is helped by the fact that it <i>is</i> a crypt, of course).
We awoke at the cave mouth to Dalnir, out in Warsliks Woods. Through the night, I had a dream of our brother Kahmon, and some advice he once gave ... <i>uuuuuuse invisiblity to your advantage.......It is belieeeeeeeeved that only one Imprecator may be in the Crypt at a tiiiiiiiiiiiime....</i>
With this in mind, we called upon our respective gods to grant us protections against harm, and lastly had Talinoth raise our feet above the floor and drop a mystic cloak of transparency over us all. We raced into the first level of Dalnir, unseen by the pathetic first level guardians, and made our way down the pit with some slight difficulty (the pit walls were too high for me to climb, and while levitating I could neither jump nor rise to wall level...finally I had to drop my feet to the floor, jump up on the pit wall, and then have Talinoth re-levitate me. Just a word of advice for my shorter bretheren who choose to undertake this adventure).
Talinoth indicated that the tracks of a Kly Imprecator did indeed seem to have gone through the area of level 2, and so we proceeded to look around, getting somewhat lost at first (it being our first look at this deeper part of Dalnir). Unlike level 1, there were Kly everywhere. Acolytes, Believers, Followers, Evokers and Invokers abounded. When we finally located the room where our arcane tomes had indicated the Imprecator should be, we were disappointed to see that the tracks Tali had found did not belong to anyone in this room. We cleared the room out, and began formulating a plan. This began a long evening that I won't recount for you all here. But what happened remains a mystery to us all yet....
Talinoth would regularly see tracks of the "Kly Imp" (as we came to call it) at one point in the dungeon, but then later no tracks, then again later, new tracks. We were the ONLY people in Dalnir all night, and nothing in our studies indicated that the Kly Imps ever move from their rooms. Considering the difficulty of going UP a pit, Tali would Evacuate us to the top of the dungeon if we seemed too low to find the Kly Imp and we'd go back down, trying again....and again...and again.
Ultimately, frustrated by the fact that the Kly Imp eluded us, despite leaving tracks and our knowledge of its direction relative to where we were, we turned our attention the tracks of the Undead Blacksmith of Dalnir. Just for a sake of accomplishment, we set out for this monstrosity, and after dispatching its Kly cohorts, we killed it, and I was able to pick up the Forge Hammer of Dalnir, one of the 4 components which were revealed to me in order to craft the Visceral Dagger.
After 2 hours of frustrating searching for one of the 3 Kly Imp, we evacuated Dalnir with growing determination to try again.
In my next note, I will include a map that shows how our frustration arose, and ask for advice to alleviate it, before we hunt again.
_________________ Drexxell , 71st GNecrOMancEr -- Wielder of ( ) Druul , 60th Troll Shaman ( ) + Wielder of and Driss, 51st Dwarf Priestess of Brell Serilis Dralia, 36th Erudite Enchantress 