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Wayfarers of Veeshan :: View topic - Business people would not make good raiders
Wayfarers of Veeshan

Business people would not make good raiders
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Author:  merlaina [ Wed May 12, 2010 11:25 am ]
Post subject:  Business people would not make good raiders

So at work today we had an "All hands" meeting, meaning a giant conference call with about 500 people in various conference rooms around the world. One of our division leads was going to give a presentation on some organizational changes. The call was supposed to start at noon.

By 12:15 everyone is finally on, but we can barely hear the guy presenting. On top of that, there was always someone from some office with their phone not muted, so the presenter constantly had to talk over that person, and there were occasional angry yells from the guy saying "Everyone put your phones on mute!". After half an hour of this, someone finally informed the leader that *4 would automatically mute everyone else. Yay, we can move on in a normal fashion.

But no, then when he opens the line up again for questions, someone has put the whole conference call on hold, so we're all subjected to hold music. /facepalm

Sadly, the whole time he was screaming to mute our phones, I couldn't help but think "Everyone INVIS before entering the hallway" and then Mindshear Acolytes killing people who still didn't invis.

I'm a little worried that the people I raid with are more organized than the 170,000 employee company I work for.

Author:  Allegretta [ Wed May 12, 2010 12:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Business people would not make good raiders

By any chance do you work for Jones Lang LaSalle? That describes EXACTLY some of the conference calls I've been on in the past few years. Gotta love the guy whose phone is on speaker and he's eating lunch, shuffling papers, and typing on his keyboard, sounds all amplified by his speaker mic. Major annoyance.

Author:  merlaina [ Wed May 12, 2010 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Business people would not make good raiders

Nope, ACS, which was recently bought out by Xerox (so I guess that technically makes me a Xerox employee now).

Author:  Arbrah [ Wed May 12, 2010 11:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Business people would not make good raiders

That is hilarious. I guess it isn't very funny when you're living through it, but golleee what a bunch of dopes. I'll say our guild is more organized than that!!

I've never been on a conference call like that but I did have a situation once when I was a DJ in Calgary. where I accidentally forgot to key off the mike switch. Now this was a hugely expensive mike that could pick up an ant sneezing across the room. I had this music playing softly to lull the 1am listeners to sleep, while I cleared my throat preparatory to reading the news, whistled along with the song, practised reading a couple of news clips, and generally made the normal noises a person does whose mike switch is actually off.

I got a lot of phone calls on that one :P I never did it again. :oops:

Author:  Allegretta [ Thu May 13, 2010 2:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Business people would not make good raiders

Too funny, Arbrah :)

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