Boudreaux & The Water Moccasin
> Boudreaux been fish'n down by de bayou all day an he done run outta
> night
> crawlers.
> He be bout reddy to leave when he seen a snake wit a big frog in
> his mouf.
> He knowed dat dem big bass fish like frogs, so he decides to steal dat
> froggie.
> Dat snake, he be a cotton moufed water moccasin, so Boudreaux had
> to be
> real careful or he'd get bit.
> He snuk up behine de sna ke and grabbed him roun de haid. Dat ole snake
> din't lak dat one bit.
> He squirmed and wrapped hisself roun Boudreaux's arm try'n to get
> hisself
> free. But Boudreaux, him, hada real good grip on his haid, yeh.
> Well, Boudreaux pried his mouf open and got de frog and puts it in his
> bait can.
> Now, Boudreaux knows da t he cain't let go d at snake or he's gonna
> bite
> him good, but he had a plan.
> He reach into de back pocket of his bib overhauls and pulls out a
> pint a
> Tennessee hillbilly moonshine likker.
> He pour some drops ito de snakes mouf. Well, dat snake's eyeballs roll
> back in his haid and his body go limp.
> Wit dat, Boudreaux toss dat snake into de bayou, den he goes back to
> fish'n.
> A while later Boudreaux dun feel sumpin tappin' on his barefoot toe.
> He sl owly look down and dere be dat cotton moufed water moccasin, wif
> two more frogs.


Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breaths away.