I got home last night, ready to go to Hate, and found that my phone (and therefore internet, as I'm on DSL) was dead. I called the repair line on my cell phone. I'll spare you all the delays and redirects, but I finally got to a real person.
me: I'd like to report a problem on my home phone. There is no dial tone. The line is completely dead.
phone company: Are you calling from that phone now?
me: ...
me: There is no dial tone. The line is completely dead. I'm using my cell phone.
phone company: (long pause) We have verified that there is a problem in that area, and service will be dispatched.
me: When do you think it will be fixed?
phone company: Within 4-8 hours. Can you be reached at this number?
me: ...
me: Yes, if you repair it.
phone company: Thank you for choosing SBC.