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Wayfarers of Veeshan • View topic - Producer Letter from SonyEQ

Wayfarers of Veeshan

An Everquest Guild on Luclin
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 2:00 pm 
Former Guild Leader / Elder
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Joined: Tue Jun 18, 2002 3:03 am
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*edit* language warning

We here at SonyEQ have ascertained that our player base is composed of various people with very different views of how the game should be approached. Some are interested in EverQuest for the social aspect, some the adventuring and sightseeing, and others the mindless bloodshed. None of these people are right, and none are wrong. These are just different ways of playing the game, and we cannot fault the players for how they choose to enjoy themselves. In order to accomodate these different types of players and make the game interesting for all, we have worked long and hard to create a filter that will automatically convert conversation and emotes into what the player wants to see. The power of this new feature goes well beyond what the language filter was able to provide, and the /roleplay command we implemented that changed the color of the user's name and title was a joke by comparison. Now the gamers will play the game they've always dreamed of. No longer will we see roleplayers arguing with powergamers about how to interact. Everyone will get exactly what they want. You're in YOUR game now!

The different filters we have added are called /powergame /whiners /roleplayeth /newbie /cuteness

Here is an example of the filters in action.

To demonstrate, we will show the original exchange, followed by an example of how each different filter will modify the encounter.

Lythe bows before Kylarie.
Tashiara smiles.
Endaar waves at Tashiara.
Lythe says, 'Endaaaar!'
Kylarie says, 'You're so funny'
Tashiara says, 'Hey, good to see you guys again!'
Lythe nods.
Kylarie says, 'where do you want to go today?'
Lythe says, 'We could try Unrest...?'
Endaar shakes his head.
Endaar says, 'It was way too crowded last time, and people were kill stealing all over the place.'
Tashiara says, 'oh'
Kylarie says, 'HEY!'
Kylarie says, 'incoming aqua goblin'
Lythe says, 'got him'
Endaar says, 'be careful, he's a big one'
Lythe says, 'help'
(Lythe dies at the hands of said goblin)
Tashiara says, 'oh no!'
Kylarie cries over Lythe's corpse.

Lythe makes a rude gesture at Kylarie.
Tashiara smirks.
Endaar makes a rude gesture at Tashiara.
Lythe says, 'd00d!/!!'
Kylarie says, 'wtf r u all usign emotes.... dum rolplayers'
Tashiara says, 'u guys r 3 levls higher then me I only hav 221 hits'
Lythe nods.
Kylarie says, 'ful mana and hp. lets go rok somethign'
Lythe says, 'DoOd we can goto Unrest 4 good xps and kill blues and yellos.
my new ax is 9dam and 29del and magic and +chraimsa'
Endaar makes a rude gesture at Lythe.
Endaar says, 'no wei, there was a bunch of cheeters b4 and there takign all the loot. I only got 1 bubbl in 2 hrs.'
Tashiara says, 'yeh taht suks. oom btw'
Kylarie says, 'WTF look a levl 21 mob'
Kylarie says, 'lez rok that blu gobin 4 sum good loot and xps'
Lythe says, 'k'
Endaar says, 'hez red to me ur going to get kiled'
Lythe says, 'heL[p!!1@'
(Lythe dies at the hands of said blu gobin)
Tashiara says, 'u suk hehehhej. u sould wear better ac nextime'
Kylarie laughs at Lythe's corpse.

Lythe bows deeply before the beautiful lady Kylarie.
Tashiara beams a glimmering smile, catching the attention of the men.
Endaar waves a hearty hello to Tashiara.
Lythe says, 'My good man Endaar! I have not seen thee in a fortnight.
Praytell me soon what hath happened during the times we have been
Kylarie says, 'I have truly missed your companionship in our absence, friends. Let me have but a moment to compose myself, that I do not shed a tear in happiness.'
Tashiara says, 'Hail, and well met, brothers and sister. What a fine day to share with but the best of Norrath.'
Lythe nods a knowing nod, as he turns to give a cunning wink to Kylarie.
Kylarie says, 'Tis such a fine day in Faydwer. The birds sing to me and the sun smiles upon my face. To leave this place will be sweet sorrow, but alas we must. What adventurous land will feel our footfalls this morrow?'
Lythe says, 'Perchance we should smite the forsaken walking dead in a mansion I have heard tell of. The gods would certainly be thankful and bards would sing our praises.'
Endaar shakes his head, as apparently he holds information of some import.
Endaar says, 'Nay, that land does not want of our company. It is inhabitated by many an unvirtuous and self-serving knave. By my hand, I would send them all on their way to the deepest crevasse of Hell itself.'
Tashiara says, 'We are indebted to you, Endaar. Shielding us from the perils of such common rogues is revealing of your kind heart.'
Kylarie says, 'By the Gods!'
Kylarie says 'A beast comes this way! Draw steel, that we may do battle! The aquatic abomination will rue the day it slithered out of its salty abode.'
Lythe says, 'Back, Kylarie. I could not allow a lady such as yourself to take up arms against this vile creature. I will dispatch it myself. Have at thee!'
Endaar says, 'Such valor is sheer madness Lythe. I beseech you to see that no honor can be found in suicide!'
Lythe says, 'Augh! Your words speak true, but I hear them too late. Ask for me tomorrow, and you will find me a grave man.'
(Lythe dies at the hands of said aquatic abomination)
Tashiara says, 'Alas, poor Lythe. I knew thee well. Your death will not be in vain.'
Kylarie drops to her knees and buries her head in her hands as she weeps over Lythe's corpse.

Lythe kisses Kylarie on the cheek.
Tashiara giggles teehee!
Endaar blushes as he waves at Tashiara.
Lythe says, 'Hiyeeee Endaar'
Kylarie says, 'Ooooh, kissies! Thankie'
Tashiara says, 'Hi hi hi hi! I missied you all!!'
Lythe smiles happily and giggles.
Kylarie says, 'Do you wanties to go somewhere and get into mischief?'
Lythe says, 'Yesses! How about the baddies in Unrest?!'
Endaar giggles and shakes his head.
Endaar says, 'I wishies we could, but there are probably meanies taking
all the goodies.'
Tashiara says, 'oh dearies'
Kylarie says, 'LOOKIES!! Mischief!'
Kylarie says, 'That's a ugly blue nasties'
Lythe says, 'no worries, I gotty him'
Endaar says, 'watch out, he is a BIG baddie'
Lythe says, 'helpies!'
(Lythe dies at the hands of said Mischief)
Tashiara says, 'Silly, always gets into mischief!'
Kylarie giggles over Lythe's corpsie.

Lythe sighs at Kylarie.
Tashiara sighs.
Endaar sighs at Tashiara.
Lythe says, 'Endaar, this is bogus, your spells do too much damage.'
Kylarie says, 'Yeah my strike doesn't do near as much as your dd spells'
Tashiara says, 'you're all going up levels too fast, damn this is unbalanced'
Lythe nods.
Kylarie says, 'and I'm a cleric and can't use swords! WHY?'
Lythe says, 'it's probably pointless, but do you want to try Unrest?'
Endaar sighs.
Endaar says, 'Everyone was camping with their broken characters last time, and quite frankly, until Verant gets off their behinds and fixes all my spells I don't have a chance in there. When will wizards be able to tank like everyone else?'
Tashiara says, 'At least you're not a rogue, they completely and utterly and totally and undeniably SUCK! None of their skills work and they can't use spells and they can't tank. Verant doesn't give a darn about them.'
Kylarie says, 'oh look a broken monster'
Kylarie says, 'it's one of those aqua goblins that are too strong and don't give enough rare items'
Lythe says, 'what the hell, it doesn't matter. I'm going to remake anyways.'
Endaar says, 'you can't solo him Lythe. Your character is underpowered'
Lythe says, 'this is so retarded.. I'm going to die because Verant won't fix the bugs in my race and class'
(Lythe dies at the hands of said broken monster)
Tashiara says, 'just goes to show that we should all have WAY more hit points and mana than we get now'
Kylarie sighs over Lythe's corpse.

Lythe says, 'Hail'
Tashiara says, 'Hail'
Endaar says, 'Hail'
Lythe says, 'what does this red book do for me'
Kylarie says, 'CAN ANYONE HEAL ME'
Tashiara says, 'I have spider legs if you are looking for them'
Lythe says, 'Hail'
Kylarie says, 'we should make a group DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO MAKE A GROUP'
Lythe says, 'I'm level 5 now. Let's go to Unrest'
Endaar says, 'Hail'
Endaar says, 'do you know the way there? I keep getting lost in Felwithe.'
Tashiara says, 'Someone buy these spider legs please'
Kylarie shouts, 'help aqua goblin'
Lythe says, 'I just changed my rusty bastard sword into a tarnished one, I'll get him'
Endaar says, 'my consider shows, What do you want your tombstone to say. What does that mean?'
Lythe shouts, 'help'
(Lythe dies at the hands of shouted aqua goblin)
Tashiara says, 'nobody wants these spider legs?'
Kylarie says, 'Hail'

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 4:06 pm 

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2003 4:36 pm 
Friend of WoV

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Posts: 375

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2003 6:58 pm 

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2003 5:31 am 
Friend of WoV

Joined: Wed Jun 19, 2002 5:21 pm
Posts: 375
All of the time that they speak..example..."Working as intended"..... is a genuine statement that they dont "care" what you or even 98% of the EQ population think & they are'nt gonna do anything about it.... Same goes for the new statement that "Classes are not out of balance"....... lol

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