Wayfarers of Veeshan

An Everquest Guild on Luclin
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 4:48 pm 
I hope this doesnt offend anyone in the guild, there is no really foul language or anything, just VERY funny political refferences

US: Ok, putting together a group for an Iraq raid... who's in?

UK: Of course I'm in.

Turkey: Only if someone makes me new armor. Last Iraq raid I lost money on.

US: *sigh* Ok, I can't make your cultural armor, but I'll help pay for it. How much you need?

Turkey: 100k plat.

US: ***?! Are you smithing the armor out of platinum, ya tard? No frikking way. 30k plat, and that's all I'm offering.

Turkey: Sweet. Ok, I'm in.

Spain: I frikking hate Iraq. They were spawn campin us for frikking EVER, man -- long time ago, but we're still pissed off about it. Meet you at Turkish zone line.

US: Cool, thx.

Italy: Me 2.

Chile: I'm in.

US: Ok, so far, got US, UK, Turks, Spain, Italy, Chile.

Bulgaria: Umm, got room for some lowbies? Thought maybe we could leech some raid xp ...

US: Yeah, sure. Why not. Just don't attack anything. Make sure to set up a /assist US hotkey, ok?

France: Hey all, what's up?

US: Putting together a raid, hitting Iraq.

France: No frikking way, dood. Look, I'm part of Alliance leadership, and I say no way do we go in there. I'm using Alliance veto.

US: ***? Alliance Veto?

France: Yeah, it's in the guild charter. Me, Germany, US, Russia, and China can all cancel any guild raid event.

Bulgaria: Hey, me and the other Eastern Europeans wanna go ...

France: ****, n00b. Your guild got no say in this.

Bulgaria: ,,!,,

Germany: I don't really want to go either.

US: ...

France: Yeah, we veto. No guildies go to Iraq.

US: What about you, Russia.

Russia: Well, if everyone else goes, it's ok, but if France and Germany say no, then that's cool.

US: Jeebus. Dood, show some balls. You used to love going on raids.

Russia: Yeah, but that Afghanistan raid a while back was a disaster. Total group wipe-out.

US: Yeah, but you were in different alliance, man. This is different. Besides, we pwn3d last time we went on Iraq raid.

France: Doesn't matter. I say no.

Spain: .tell US doesn't matter if France doesn't go anyway, he just feigns death anytime he sees combat. He's a bu77munch. Lives next door to me.

Spain: Oops. MT.

France: Oh yeah? Well you skipped that WWII raid completely.

Spain: Only cuz I'd just come back from dueling, was too tired to raid. Besides, you died in first wave, spent the rest of the raid licking dirt and whining.

France: ..!..

US: Guys, c'mon. I'm trying to put this thing together, here... look, I don't care what France says. I'm going, and anyone who wants to come with me can. China, you in?

China: *shrug* Don't feel like it.

US: Ok...

North Korea has challenged you to a duel! Type /duel accept to accept or /duel decline to decline the challenge.

US: /duel decline

North Korea tells you: "Dood u r teh suq. I will r0xxorz u"

You tell North Korea: No thanks, guy. Trying to get a raid going.

North Korea tells you: "Ur just scaerd of teh pwnage"

You tell North Korea: Riiiigh. ****, okay? I'm busy.

North Korea taunts you.

/ignore North Korea.

US: How come you're not coming, Germany?

Germany: I'm just not into the violence anymore.

You tell Germany: Bullsh1t, you're just waiting for us to go into Iraq so you can gank France again.

Germany tells you: Ooops. *blush* busted!!

You tell Germany: Dude, why bother? He's green to you.

Germany tells you: It's just satisfying, I guess. It shuts him up for a while, anyway.

France: I'm telling you, if anyone goes, then it'll break the Alliance.

Spain tells you: Whoop-de-sh1t, this Alliance sucks. Let's go anyways.

US: France, *** is ur problem?

France: I want to send scouts in first. Let them see if any named are up.

US: Ok, how long it gonna take them?

France: Couple weeks, maybe. Months, possibly.

US: MONTHS? ***???! Dude, I don't want to wait that long. I'll give your scouts a week, at most. We'll reschedule then.

France: I may veto anyway.

US: Yeah, whatever.

/tell Spain Yeah, may have to. He's a dipsh1t.

Bulgaria tells you: If you go, let me know. Me and my lowbie buddies are in.

You tell Bulgaria: Cool, thx. Are you someone's alt?

Bulgaria tells you: Some of us were Russia's buff toons, but we're soloing now.

US: Ok, meet again next week. We'll take things from there.

8-O :twisted: 8-O


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 4:51 pm 
Wayfarer Emeritus
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Joined: Mon Jun 24, 2002 1:26 am
Posts: 1865
Location: Los Angeles
LOL, wow, that looks just like what stubb posted back on June 11:
http://www.wayfarersofveeshan.com/phpBB ... php?t=1808

Master Artisan Kahmon Feelthenoize
- Fabled 100 Shadow Knight of Cestus Dei Atherius
- Master(300) Jeweler, Chef, Potter, Brewer, Blacksmith, Tailor, Fletcher, Researcher
Vektor - 95 Ranger, Scout Extraordinaire
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Kroger - 98 Rogue, Poison Maker, Tome Researcher, and Illusion Collector
Shazbon - 96 Shaman, Master Alchemist
Vendding - 94 Magician

 Post subject: heh WOOPS
PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 5:02 pm 
blah, wish i had seen it then, I am so unoriginal LOL

Elg :oops:

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