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Wayfarers of Veeshan • View topic - Meagen Epic work help request

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 12:49 pm 
Wayfarer of Veeshan
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Joined: Sat Jun 02, 2007 5:09 pm
Posts: 230
Epic 2.0 done!! Thank you to all that helped through out this adventure. It is very sweet.

This thread can be deleted now :)

I am working on my Epic 2.0 now that I am in CoA with Meagen.

<strike>1. Now head to Dranik's Scar.
Go near loc -850, +1077. Tranlinor the Maimed will spawn. He is a noc that quads for 800, summons and has a single rampage. So you need a friend or 2 for him. After he's killed you will receive a Wind Shard.</strike>


<strike>2. Now head to Walls of Slaughter.
You need a few groups for this guy and some mezzers. Tell your raid to go to loc +267, +460 on top of the castle. North of Pyrique Redwing. At this point some mobs will pop when you get near. Be sure to indicate to your raid/groups to clear the area first from trash mobs before you pop your named.

The mobs are 2 "a nervous guardian" and the main mob which is "A Retired Soldier". You will have to kill his 2 nervous guardian's for the Main mob to "awaken" and agro. Once they are dead, A Retired Soldier will become Lightning Lord. He hits for about 1200 dmg max, summons of course, doesn't rampage and he can be shaman slowed. He spawns 4 to 6 adds called "Lightning Loyalists" , so either mez them or kill them, they are also slowable by shamans. These adds will give a complete heal to the named and die/disappear after they do it, so either kill them before they sacrifice themselves, mez them or just burn the named while he CH's while mezzing/offtanking adds.

Take him down and you will receive Rain Shard. He can also drop some good 210hp/mana loot.</strike>


<strike>3. Head to Qinimi for the final shard.
In the West part of the zone, you will find a shrine. Get near it and it will pop 3 mobs: Mastruq Commander Gorlakt, Spiritlord Mind and Spiritlord Body. This is a raid fight for sure. You need strong people. Probably 3-4 groups of Time/Qvic people. More for Time flagged. And you need good healers and a good tank.

This fight goes similarly to the WoS one, but with a twist. The 2 Bodyguards do a different AE. Body does a 500 dmg Lifetap AE.with a 300 Magic Resist adjust called Body Warp. Mind does a Spell Haste debuff by 50%, 200 Prismatic (or average) resist adjust called Mind Warp. They both hit for 1500 dmg, can be shaman slowed and they are tethered/leeched. Once you kill one Gorlakt will come alive and will inherit the AE of that which you killed first. Gorlakt also hits for about 2800-3000 dmg and rampages.

Your best strategy is this: bring both guardians down to low health, then kill BODY first so Gorlakt takes his lifetap, kill the other fast. Then put your MT defensive on Gorlakt. Heal up, and since the lifetap can be interrupted, you will not have any AE issues. Just concentrate all healing on the tank and dps it. Once completed the event will yield Spirit Shard.</strike>

<strike>Now make a Clump of Refined Ancient Taelosian Clay by handing a Chunk of Broken Ancient Stone Worker to Hiolan O'Yviania in Abysmal Sea (or if you're flagged for the recipe, just put the chunk in a kiln and hit combine). The Chunk can be found from golems in GoD or in the bazaar. Make sure it's the ancient one.
Head to your nearest Kiln and combine the Clump with the Sketch. This combine will yield Insulated Container.</strike>

<strike>Now head to Velketor's Labyrinth. Find mobs called Velketor's Experiments and/or Failed Experiments. The Failed ones are near the end of the Icepaw tunnels, while the Velketor Experiment are found past Velketor's room in a dead end that has 6 total mobs These 2 mobs are relatively easy, but hard to find. Once you kill him one will drop a Pulsing Frozen Heart. This is the cold source that Silanda talks about.
Now combine your Bag and the Heart in your Insulated Container. This combine will yield Frozen Rain Spirit.</strike>

<strike>Now head to Burning Woods and look for "A Crippled Wurm". The mob pops when you zone in at around loc pos 3000, pos 0. The mob is inmune to run speed changes (meaning NOT snareable or rootable) and doesn't summon. Hits for about 450 damage. You can try soloing by outrunning it, or bring a friend. This mob is also immune to melee damage!</strike>

Last edited by Vadila on Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:57 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 1:04 pm 
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I'll be glad to help with these. The mob in Dranik's Scar we can do easily with one group. The other two will probably take AR's raid force.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 2:08 pm 
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The WoS fight is much easier then it sounds. I wouldn't be surprised if we knocked it out with 3 groups.

Master Artisan Kahmon Feelthenoize
- Fabled 100 Shadow Knight of Cestus Dei Atherius
- Master(300) Jeweler, Chef, Potter, Brewer, Blacksmith, Tailor, Fletcher, Researcher
Vektor - 95 Ranger, Scout Extraordinaire
Kahzbot - 97 Enchanter, Master Spell Researcher & Tinkerer
Kroger - 98 Rogue, Poison Maker, Tome Researcher, and Illusion Collector
Shazbon - 96 Shaman, Master Alchemist
Vendding - 94 Magician

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 4:29 am 
Wayfarer of Veeshan
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will be glad to assist in anyway just need time and date

Ranger of Luclin

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:36 pm 
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Musickiller - level 20 Bard
Mordemonk - level 29 Monk
Mordewiz - level 18 Wizard

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:43 pm 
Wayfarer of Veeshan
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