The Raid time is set for 8pm Eastern Time Zone at the Chardok Zone-In....
Our Guild's Main Cleric, Meddicc will be the recipient of the initial Overking Drop (When he is in charge of healing, death occurs VERY frequently, and a clicker would speed up our normal routine

). All other target drops will be shared equitably among all raid participants.
FYI, with the Help of WoV's Salyen, we were able to assemble a force at a whim on January 1st and Attempt the take-down via CoH. (Excellent Idea & method by the way and gratz to you guys for your success last week) We had the Overking down to 15% and after a abrupt Gate, the Raid party wiped out rather quickly....Anyway, we intend to have greater numbers this time round, and hope to walk away victorious.
We are appreciative of WoV's assistance in Previous raids and look forward to Future Cooperative efforts...
Veeshans Legacy