Hello WoV,
I just wanted to send a huge thank you to a few guildies who helped me acquire my spell Hsagra's Wrath. First I would like to thank all of WoV for the great raid in Kael that provided me with enogh faction to start the quest, you all are the best. I would especially like to thank Irodanis for putting that thing together on such short notice, thanks bro.
Second I would like to thank Salyon and Littlerezzer for running around with me in Western Wastes so I could collect the runes I needed to finish the first part of the quest. Later Salyon, Littlerezzer, and myself went to Kael to search and destroy the Noble Helsson. After fighting and defeating approx. 8 mobs we got stuck and were not sure we were going the right way.
*enter Irodanis and Kraznir These guys joined up with us in Kael and we found the Noble with little trouble and then made our way to Skyshrine to seek and destroy the Kromrif spy. Upon arriving into SS we had a little trouble finding our way to the top, but made it nonetheless. Once we got to the spy's spawn point he was nowhere to be found. He was taken down by another guild and would not return for another 6 hours.
Kraznir, Irodanis, and I camped in the hall to try again the next day. I had no idea what time I would be available but they decided they would stick it out for me. I logged on late last night, sent Iro a tell (Kraznir was already waiting for me

) and Iro was there in a sec to attempt the kill. Well it just so happens Mr. Kromrif spy is mad crazy with Resists so needless to say I was unable to do much damage, as was Irodanis and Krazir. I died and my soul sent to the PoK.
*enter Kariina, Rikash, and Diedel I picked up a few friends and we headed back to make waste of the spy who had slain me. Once we buffed up and fought the second battle, the spy fell

. Then to finish the night off, we went on a wild chase through the maze known as Skyshrine in an attempt to find the wizard dragon Lawyla once again. After a few minutes of mine and Iro's weak attempt I was suddenly ported to the entrance to the higher levels of Skyshrine. First reaction, "WOW I got lucky and found it," but the reality was "Ohhhh wait, you were summoned by Kraznir"

) We proceed at bard speed ahead, i turned in the components and received my reward lvl 60 Spell: Hsagra's Wrath 2000 DD unresistable to giants

I am very proud of this accomplishment, as many of the 65 wizards I asked about portions of this quest admitted to not owning it. Thanks to each and everyone of you guys who helped out. Like I said earlier, "You guys are the BEST!!!!"