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Wayfarers of Veeshan • View topic - A Nice Map

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 Post subject: A Nice Map
PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 12:34 am 

Joined: Tue Aug 24, 2004 3:29 pm
Posts: 31
Location: New Mexico
Anyone remember when this Vintage Map was new? hehe

Leader of PoV

attachment removed - as it's not a screenshot, but a map that belongs to Sony - Tanliel

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 9:05 am 
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 8:27 pm 

Joined: Tue Aug 24, 2004 3:29 pm
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Location: New Mexico
Actually I have permission to post Pics and/or Articles from Sony, CNN, MSNBC, John Kerry.com, GeorgeWBush website and many more.

Leader of PoV

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 8:36 pm 
Wayfarer of Veeshan
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then you will need to post a signed syncronization license to prove the right to post information from sony. jony kerry and other political sites youa re correct copyright laws allow any governmental type information to used at will seeing as they are employees of the government. news stations and the like have certain things they do allow; however what can be posted is general headlines and thigns as such including minimal qoutes of a certain length. not detailed information or images without the permission from the copyright owner. ( thus you need to had to e written persmission of the agreement along with anything that was signed.

trust me .. if anyone knows .. its me. sony is very much a stickler for the rules and even the employees are not permitted to release anything without posting the approriate consent along with it in some form.

Warning this is a random note from the OlBiTtY cO. Viewer Discretion is Advised

President of the Allegretta Fan Club

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 10:51 pm 

Joined: Tue Aug 24, 2004 3:29 pm
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Hi Mytheria
Yes I agree with you, that regular tax paying Americans can only get certain permission to print and/or use information that is available. However those rules don't pertain the agency I work for, I could use anything,but I choose to ask first to cover my butt. Yes Sony is very strict on such matters, so is CNN but however CNN leets you copy certain things and you have to include the source.
According posting a signed syncronization License, you are right again when it pertains to the regular taxpayer. We at the agency don't need to post it.
If there are anymore Questions please email me at {removed}

Leader of PoV

removed the email address, can use the Email button for that - Tan

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 3:35 am 
Wayfarer of Veeshan
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Warning this is a random note from the OlBiTtY cO. Viewer Discretion is Advised

President of the Allegretta Fan Club

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 5:36 am 

Joined: Mon Jun 17, 2002 2:53 pm
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While it's an interesting discussion, it's really moot at this point. Please don't post Sony's maps in this forum. We'll just leave it for screenshots, k?

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