Hey now

I just wanted to heat my soup up
For those that we NOT there
--Freez says "Oom"
--Vae says, "Let's go up top (dry land) so people can med" (Freez only chanter and I like chanters having mana, specially after he did a spectacular job with the 4 or 5 mobs we had just killed and the 3 before those)
--Vae syas, "afk a min"
--RL Vae gets up, takes bowl to kitchen, places in microwave, RUNS to bathroom for #1 (states this so you know it was not an extended bathroom break

), gets back to kitchen to get bowl out of microwave, gets bowl and heads back to desk...
Just in time to see like 4 or 5 Sirens in an overhead view and then...LOADING....Please wait....
I was like WTHeck!! LOL that was too funny...never did figure out who poked their nose into the siren's den, but it was still a hoot