Incredibley huge thanks to Kahmon, first of all, for making all the gear for my monk and my bard, I have level 23s thinking that my level 5 bard is higher then them, and clerics take hours to heal up my level 19 Monk, but the really huge thanks is for helping me do my Earring of the Solistice quest. Well, practically doing the entire thing for me. The Mistletoe sickle was given to me for free from a friend, and I paid 1k for the Robe, Kahmon spent an hour running around like a nut and using all his Kahmon-like super powers to whip up the other pieces! It was insanely cool of him, especially because it took so much of his time. I can't thank you enough Kahmon, and I hope I get to repay you soon! I have plans, oh boy do I have plans!
(By the way, when I combined all the Solistice stuff in the forge, I gained my first skill point in Blacksmithing

Kahmon doesn't believe me so I screen shotted it, I'll post it when I get home from college
