Surphat logged in and gave a call that he needed help for killin a lvl 50 tormented Skelly in WC ta finish his Devine Might Spell quest. For he knew it, he was in WC with Aksunamen, Krazner, Attrael, Marybeth, Geoffry, Oxana and Starrhawk. The poor skelly dint have a chance! Which meant that Surphat dint lose all the stuff he had to collect over the past 2 months! WOW Thanks all. Call on "Da Dorf" anytime ya needs. He will make every effort to be of assistance! I see why you can get so much for that spell Attrael! I look bak on all the time spent and the help of WOV raids to Kedge and some WOV help with Castle Mistmoor! Whew, what a royal PAIN! Thanks agin.
_________________ Surphat Paladin of 53 Seasons
Surfeedar Monk of 56 Seasons
Sirhinlain Shaman of the 63 Seasons
Sursadan Cleric of 57 Seasons
Surailadan Ench of 60 Seasons