Wayfarer of Veeshan |
Joined: Sun Oct 25, 2009 8:02 pm Posts: 30 Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Magelo: 0
I usually hate MMs because when I go I am often with a bunch of people who have done it 100 times already and have no patience to really explain it to me, and when you ask questions they say, "You'll figure it out." Then they just fly threw the whole mission without really telling you what's going on and bark orders when you do something wrong because you don't really know what is going on.
Well, I did the three classic MMs with Bane and Cash the other morning, and had a great time. Bane very patiently explained everything to me and answered all of my questions, even when they were silly. And they both stayed very patient with me even when I went the wrong way and pulled 5 mobs. Some of the most fun I've had playing EQ in a long time. Thanks guys!