Hmm my ears were burning for some reason.
A little known fact to any but the most "hardcore" player is that DPS actually stands for Damage (from) Puns (per) Second. Paladins employ this technique which not only causes damage but lowers all the mob's resistances and acts as a taunt to build aggro.
As for the two class question. I might point out that paladins can be quite good as healers. I actually use my heals for the heal aggro to help pull wayward mobs off the squishy classes. I play my paladin/cleric combo and sometimes necro/cleric and it's true the dps is lower with Dorann unless it's undead. Most times with necro/cleric Morddor just sits there and casts his pet. I also miss having a snare without the necro since root means it keeps attacking me until dead. Travel can be problematic although I've always been a player that doesn't mind running/swimming etc to wherever I need to be.
If nothing seems to be going your way, choose another direction.